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Bronwen, Josette and Azu had spent the next day in quiet solitude while Josette recovered from the ball - with no regrets. Not even after Bronwen told her about how she had removed Mr Lawmen's tie and whipped him with it.

"At least he will remember me," Josette had said with a satisfied smirk.

Bronwen was just pleased her friend had had a good time, even Azu had enjoyed himself. He and James Durward - of all people - had gotten along very well and had spent most of the night talking to one another in hushed whispers.

Donovan seemed in higher spirits too. Bronwen had tried not to grimace when her father had told her to treat Prince Nasta well, should she see him again. The two had arranged a business deal during the party - a hefty commission of fabrics for the Prince's new home he was having built in England, as a gift from the Queen.

Thanatos had played his part all too well. Nothing won Donovan over like a business connection. No doubt the information about fabrics Bronwen had given him came in very handy.

It was a rare, dry day and Josette and Bronwen decided to show Azu around Winchester. They set out on horses and made light conversation as they toured the little streets and old architecture. They briefly went into the cathedral - which made Bronwen feel uncomfortable and walked along the river - which made Azu feel uncomfortable, then ate a light lunch in a quaint café.

Bronwen was surprised at how easy it became to ignore the glances and stares Azu was getting as they rode. It was not so rare for a dark-skinned person to be seen around the city, but one accompanying Lady Bronwen Wintre, who already had so many rumours surrounding her, was something that would be whispered about over tea.

Bronwen decided that it did not matter to her what others thought. She wondered why it ever matter to her at all and relished the freedom in not caring. It gave her a confidence that she had not experienced before and she realised with crushing disappointment that she never wanted her friends to leave and never wanted to leave them; knowing one day she would have to.

What would become of Azubuike when Bronwen returned to death? Would Josette take him in? She doubted Kole would allow that. And would Josette always be stuck being a privileged servant for Lord Guild? It worried her as they walked the horses through the city centre and took Bronwen a moment to realise that Josette had stopped next to a boarded-up shop. It was beside an alley and had a decorative arch bridging the gap, with a clock in the centre.

"What are you looking at?" Bronwen asked, as she manoeuvred her horse to stand beside Josette.

"How much do you think that house is?" Josette asked without looking away from the windows of the place above the shop that were so grubby, you could hardly see the sign that announced it as being for sale.

"I could not say. Why?"

"Just curious. I think it might be larger than it appears from the outside is all."

Bronwen considered the house again. She knew the property prices in Winchester were high, due to its boasting heritage - having once been the capital of England - and its flourishing trading market from the textile industry, which had been one of the reasons her father had settled there and helped it grow.

Soon afterwards, they began to head back to Metrom Hall, mounting their horses once away from the shops and traveling down the back streets laden with houses.

"Alda thinks that I am pregnant," Bronwen said as she rode between Josette and Azu. She had wanted to say something all day, no fully shaking off the thought that she indeed might be. The opportunity to ask Thanatos about it had not presented itself and she had no way of getting into contact with him. She could hardly address a letter to the Under-realm, whereas he could appear to her whenever he desired.

Dead Tempted - BOOK 1 - Pomegranate SeedsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin