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Aterces Manor unfurled on the horizon like a scroll. The house appeared modestly sized from the front but Bronwen knew from her previous visits that it extended behind and the gardens were known for their beauty and size. The vine covered stones, used to build much of the extension, were taken from an old demolished abbey not too far from Aterces. A large tree, on the flat next to the manor, shadowed it in the evenings, making the bricks a darker, ruddy red and the white that framed the windows and entrance a dull yellow.

The carriage pulled up outside to be greeted by a line of waiting servants, their heads bowed and hands clasped in front or behind them. A man came forward to take Lord Guild's horse while he jumped down. Kole paid little attention to the procession that bowed or curtsied to him.

A footman opened the door of the carriage for Bronwen and she gratefully took Kole's hand and stepped out of the confines of the vehicle, trying to keep her aching back straight.

Lady Bronwen was also welcomed by the servants' curtsies and bows and she nodded at them in return but was distractedly looking for someone who was not part of the greeting.

"Earl Guild, Lady Bronwen," Kole's head of house, Mr Fane said. His suit was impeccable and his stern features showed no mercy for mistakes. He was thin and stood tall, despite his obvious age. Bronwen remembered him well and how the staff avoided him as much as possible, but he had always been polite enough to her.

"Fane, I assume my letter got to you in good time?"

"It did, my Lord. The rooms have been prepared for Lady Bronwen and her staff have been assigned residents downstairs. Mr Whyms' room has not been disturbed as instructed."


A woman opened the main door in one swift motion and stood in the gap. Grinning, Bronwen rushed past the footman waiting to take her jacket and almost ran up the steps towards her friend.

Josette was not prone to gushing or hugging, and neither was Bronwen in usual circumstances, preferring to keep her personal space personal, but in light of recent events, she almost threw herself at Josette and embraced her, which her friend returned after a few seconds of surprise at the unusual gesture.

"It is a pleasure to see you too, Bronwen," Josette said in her ear, muffled by her hair. "But we are being stared at by his Lordship," Josette added in a hissing whisper when it was clear Bronwen was not planning on letting go.

Bronwen pulled back and looked at her friend. Josette had her dark blonde hair up in her usual messy manner. Her bright blue eyes shone and her cheeks heated in an attractive rosy glow.

"I have not seen you in so long," Bronwen said apologetically, her hands were still on Josette's arms.

"And now we have a whole week together," Josette replied delightedly as Lord Guild joined them on the threshold, once he had finished consulting with his people.

"Anything to report, Miss Emry?"

"All clear on the front, sir," Josette replied sardonically. Bronwen thought she might salute and recognised the iconic twitch of a smile on her features.

Kole ignored her mockery and entered his home.

Josette had been married to Kole's brother for three years before Clarence had died, yet Kole still treated her as an unfamiliar asocial, who kept his home for him while he was away. He even insisted on calling her 'Miss' like it was an insult and constant reminder that she was not part of the family. How he treated Josette was the one time Bronwen thought him cruel and was something she would have changed if it were still possible to marry him.

Dead Tempted - BOOK 1 - Pomegranate SeedsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt