College (15 Epilogue)

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Taehyung POV
It was mid summer and Hobi had pulled up to our brand new place of living, the dorms at Seoul College. Everyone in our friend group was attending and we had a couple week break before the official start of college and being what they call true freshman. I was a majoring in photography and Hobi was a majoring in Dance.

"Are you ready for our new lifes?" He asked, smiling at me, his blonde curly hair shining in the sun.

"Yes I am" I said, getting out of the car feeling the warm summer breeze On my Body and flowing through my red hair. He got out and we found out way to the dorm, the second floor.

"Found it!" I shouted and he walked over, I unlocked the door and the size was pretty decent for a dorm.

We put down our nags and scanned over the dorm. Placing our bags by the bed.

"Now we hreally get the boxes" He Said

"We would end up with the second floor" I said in reply, we headed back down the stairs and too our car, seeing Jimin and Yoongi in the distance. Jimin now had dyed his hair a bright lavender and Yoongi had straight,black wavy hair.

"You guys need help, we finished this morning, we just came back from lunch" Jimin said

"Yeah that'd be nice" I said

"Yeah, thanks" Hobi said

Everyone grabbed boxes and headed back up stairs after a long 45 minutes, we had finished and sat down on the couch that had come with the dorm.

"Thank god for air conditioning" Yoongi said, slouching down on the
couch, looking half asleep.

"You got that right" I said, a slight smile on my face.

Everyone lounged around for a half an hour until there was a knock on the door, assuming it was our friends I got up and answered.

"We bring food!" Jin shouted in my face, his hair a bright blonde.

"Oh thank god I'm hungry, but I was too lazy to go our anywhere" I said and he walked in, Namjoon and Jungkook followed. Taking a seat wherever they could find one.
Namjoons hair was now silver and Jungkooks was now red. I had never really seen him step away from brown.

"So this is our new lives?" Jungkook said

"Yep" Yoongi said "That college life"

"Stress, parties and late nights" Namjoon said

"I'm looking forward to it" He said, laughing.

Everyone had finally resolved any conflicts and we could laugh like friends again and Jungkook was finally back to himself again.

"So what's everyone majoring in? I''m majoring in art" Jimin said, proudly

"Dance" Hobi sakd, smiling

"Photography" I said

"Music" Namjoon said

"Culinary, clearly" Jin said laughing.

"Music too" Yoongi said

"Game design" Jungkook said, crossing his legs.

"It's going to be a fun four years" Hobi said, full of positivity

"Let's toast to that" Jin said and we all got up, toasting our drinks. We all looked tired, but we looked happy to be free from high school and enjoy life away from our parents, even if we lived them dearly. This was where we belonged and this is how things should be.

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