Light after darkness (4)

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Taehyung POV
Me and my mom rushed into the ER, I was carrying Hobi in my arms. I
Explained what had happened and they took him into a room right away.

"We'll need to give him some Narcan, his breathing is slow it should steady once we give it to him" the dark haired Doctor said.

"Hey can I get some Narcan in here, patient overdosed and his breathing is slowing" The Doctor called

All I could do is nod and let the tears fall onto my shirt. I didn't want to look at him, but I didn't anyway, he looked in pain, yet oddly peaceful. I managed to grab his journal and skim through it a bit, his quotes deep.

While reading a nurse came in with what was called Narcan, I knew it was what they sued on overdose patients as I've heard my mom talk about it before.
They found a vein in his arm, stuck an IV in and started the Narcan.

"Since he overdosed on painkillers, the narcan will work well, but it may be a bit before he wakes up" Stated the doctor. "If you wouldn't have found him When you did, he most likely
Would've died"

"I only found him because I woke up to Him falling on the floor" I said, crying.

"Well, he's lucky" The Doctor said and walked out


"Yeah?" she said, looking at Mr with tears in her dark brown eyes, matching mine.

"I'm in love with Hobi"

"That's fine sweetie. I figured, you guys are super clinged onto eachother"

A few long hours later
Hoseok POV

I could see blurred figures, I was waking up hoe was this even possible. It took a few minutes but I could see Tae and his mom. I looked over at my arm there was an IV with something in it. Whatever it is, it took out the Painkillers. God my head hurt.

"Hobi! You're awake!" He said crying and coming over to give me one of his warm hugs.

"Yeah I am I guess. Don't hate me" I said

"I have No reason to hate you" He said, sitting himself on my bed and caressing my face.

"You're sweet, like cotton candy Tae" I said, attempting to smile.

"Thanks" He said looking at me in the eyes, analyzing me almost. I could see that his eyes were red and puffy.

A dark haired doctor walked in "Ah! You're awake. That's amazing. That means the drugs have exited your system and we can remove the Narcan from you"
A nurse walked in shortly after and removed the IV from me. I hated needles, but this one saved my life and so did the two people in this room.

"We'll release you soon, just a few things to get around" The dark haired doctor said

"I'm so glad your ok I thought I lost you" Tae sobbed onto my T-shirt, that I was shockingly still in. I rubbed his head. At this point I was crying too.
"I'll never do it again Tae, I should've talked to you, I wasn't thinking straight" I kissed his forehead and his mom smiled.

"Tae" I whispered "What's you tell her"

"that I love you" he whispered back

"Well clearly I love you too" I whispered with a small laugh. We say there for about 30 minutes, waiting for the doctor to return and then he popped in.

"Alright everything is set, you're good to go"

Tae helped me from the bed, and we walked out the door into the thunderstorm.

"What time is it?"

Tae pulled out his phone and said

"oh holy shit" I said as we got to his moms car. His mom unlocked the car and we got in. She backed out and drove off to their house. The drive only took 10 minutes, next thing you knew we were in their driveway.

"I want you guys to relax today and yes Tae you guys doesn't just mean Hoseok, got that Tae" Tae's mom said

"Yeah I do mom, I wouldn't want to leave him anyway" Tae said sarcastically but sweetly.

We got out of the car and entered the front door. I took off my shoes and waited for Tae to take off his. The. We walked upstairs into his room, ignoring the bathroom, assuming his mom would clean it up.

"Let's try to get some sleep yeah" Tae asked, yawning

"Yeah that's be nice" I said and he instantly slipped under the covers. I slipped in behind him, holding him to comfort him.
"I'm sorry" I said

"Don't be" He said shutting his eyes.
We both fell asleep like that, we were both exhausted even though I was passed out for 4 hours.

Time skip
I woke up and Tae was Awake on his phone.

"What time is it"


"Holy hell! When did you wake up?"

"12:00 so I've only been awake for an half an hour"

"Damn we needed that sleep"

"What should we do to relax all day" he asked,curiously

"I think we should watch Netflix all day"  I said

"Me too" He grabbed to remote and put on Netflix.

The rest of the day we relaxed and Tae's mom made Both a delicious lunch and dinner. I ,luckily, got to stay Sunday night too, so I'd be able to go to school with Tae the next morning.

Little did I know that going to school tomorrow would be hell, more hell than it already is.

The next day
I woke up to Tae's alarm, at a bright and early 6am.

We both got around, and rushed down to see what was for breakfast today. Today Tae's mom had bought donuts. Sweet! I never get a real breakfast on school days.

Tae and I each grabbed a donut and a glass of milk until all of a sudden he paused in his chewing.

"Hobi" He said in a very low voice

"What?" I asked with worry

"Someone caught us kissing" he said in an almost mumble

"How'd you find that out" I asked

"The kids who beat you up basically stalked us and well Yoongi saw it being posted around so he sent it to me"

"Oh my god, those assholes! Can we even have a life" I said, filled with disgust.

Tae handed me his phone and I looked at the caption "Told you guys that they are fucking gay!"

"We need to stay prideful" Tae said "Even If we're hated for that"

"We can do our best"

"Yes we can" He said and we high fived. We knew after this peaceful breakfast, even with his positivity, it wasn't going to be all sunshine and rainbows walking into that school.

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