News (13)

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Taehyung POV
Today I wouldn't be going to school. Neither would Hobi. Why? My mom had informed Hobi and I at 5am that dad was awake. He wasn't in great condition though. Hell who even knew how long he would live, if he'd live past this. If he'd be a majority of me Hobis life?

It was 9 now and I couldn't sleep since then. All I could do was think. I heard Hobi wake up from a deep slumber.

"Good morning sunshine did you sleep alright?" I asked, still a bit lost in my thoughts.

"I sleep decent" He said

We got around and ate a quick breakfast of cereal. Everyone wanted to to get the hospitals s soon as possible.

We rinsed out our bowls and out on our shoes. Mom grabbed her keys and unlocked the car. Tae and I hopped in, he took the from seat and I took the back. Once everyone was ready we backed out and drove off to the 10 minute drive to the hospital.

Mom parked the car. And we all got out slowly, scared of the news we were going to find out. We walked in, Mom checked us in and we walked tot he elevator up to his room.I held in my tesrs the mews could be good or bad.

We made it to the 3rd floor. Hoseok took my hand as we walked down the long halls, following Mom all the way to his room. There was a blonde haired female doctor standing there.

"Good morning"

"Morning" Hobi said

"Morning" Mom said

"We've got great news!"

"What is it?" Mom asked

"He went through emergency surgery to remove the bullet and he's going to live. He won't be awake for an hour or so due to the anesthesia" She said

"That's great news!" Mom said, she smiled

"That's awesome!" Hobi said, hugging onto me

"I have no words, this is like a miracle" I said, happy tears streamed down my eyes.

"It truly is" The Doctor Said and walked out.

Jungkook POV
It was past 9am, on a Tuesday. I had just woken up. In this damned hospital bed, my mom looked excited when she saw my open eyes.

"You're finally awake" She said, happy to see me

"Yeah i am and?" I said, disappointed

She sighed, the same black haired doctor came in this time presenting solid food and a smoothie. I decided to drink the smoothie to please someone. The smoothie was strawberry banana. I could see my mom smiling out of the corner of my eye.

"I'm glad you're making quick progress" she said, a small smile on her face.

Taehyung POV
Two hours had passed, Hoseok and I were talking and going through our phones. Then we heard sudden movements from Dads hospital bed.

"He's awake!" I said, excitedly, shaking Hobis arm, he smiled. I got up and ran over to him. Everyone else followed me over.

"Dad you're alive" I said

"Yes, I'm very alive and awake. I'm happy to see my family" He said, looking at me. "Now who's the boy with the dyed red hair?"

"That's Hoseok, I call him Hobi. He's my boyfriend, he lives with us" I said, with a smile and told Hobis story of why he was there in the first place.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Hoseok. Welcome to the family! And Congratulations on finding a boyfriend son!" He said, he had quickly returned to his normal self.

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