Saturday 00:11 Fools

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After wandering around for a while, getting lost and finding his way again, he ended up on the beach. The sounds of the waves had always been his way to find peace back home in Melbourne. The sea was his shelter and he thought that maybe he could find this kind of serenity on Brighton's pebble beach.

He spent quite some time trying to dry his tears, sitting on the little stones. Holding his knees, he watched the reflection of the moon in the water and listen to the waves washing on the shore. It was peaceful, it really was. But the beach was also Isaac's place. He knew it was where Isaac came when he needed to think and be alone. He couldn't escape the thought of him and felt the tears slowly come back. Why would Isaac go through all of that, make so much effort to just end up pushing him away and going back to his ex... or his girlfriend? Why would he tell her before breaking up with him right away? Was he just trying to make her jealous? Was all of that just a joke?

The peacefulness of the sea was gone, just like that. He couldn't even hang on the fact that it reminded him of Australia. This was far from being comforting. It was just there to remind him that he wasn't home anymore. He was on the other side of the world, without any plan of going back any time soon.

He took the bus back to his flat, giving up on the idea that he would feel better tonight. All he could hope for was that sleep would dry his tears and at the very least make him numb. Hopefully.

He passed through the door and noticed light in the living room. The voices coming from the TV told him that Evie was most likely still awake. He would have to go past her to reach his room and he didn't have the energy to deal with her. She was probably still mad at him, and that didn't improve his mood in any way.

He wiped his tears and tried to take his courage with two hands, stepping into the room. Evie, on the couch, turned towards him, seemingly surprised to see him. Immediately, her eyebrows furrowed and she tilted her head.

"Are you okay?"

He was about to say yes and run to his room but the ball in his throat prevented him to do anything. His bottom lip started to quiver. Evie's reaction was to open her arms to comfort him. He sat down next to her and started sobbing as soon as his face was against her shoulder. Caressing his hair to reassure him, she hold him against her.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

He shook his head. Maybe another time. Maybe in a few days. But right now, he didn't even know what to say. Where to begin. Isaac? Emily? Lea?

"Is that a "I don't want to talk at all" or a "I want you to ask questions so I can talk"?" She asked.

"I... I don't want to talk now."

"Okay. That's okay."

They both stayed there without saying anything, the sound of the TV almost covering the sound of Charlie's crying.

"Sorry... for earlier."

"It's okay. You understand now, right?" He nodded silently and she shrugged. "Then it's okay. Don't worry about me."

This prompted Charlie to continue to cry silently, still as sad as before, but relieved that there was at least one person to support him. 

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