Friday 16:40 Boys

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Leaving school after his last class, Charlie knew what was coming. He needed to talk to Lea about the address and the time but this wasn't a pressing matter. Sure, he will have to text her and sound interested about that small party, but later. It wouldn't have bothered him as much if she didn't insist that not a lot of people would be there. That meant she would definitely find time to be alone with him, and he still hadn't found in himself the strength to really pretend he was interested. He was really trying, not to pretend, but to actually be interested. But it didn't seem to work. "You can't engineer a relationship" would say Otis. Yeah, Sex Education reference. But he really wanted to try. Maybe this could go somewhere. However, as of right now, this wasn't going anywhere and he didn't want to go anywhere either.

He promised his friends, though. They really seemed excited about the prospect of a party, especially one with girls. Jack's words, of course.

He waited for the bus in front of the school. The plan was to go home, change, and maybe try to get something to bring to the party. He would also probably have time for a quick shower, which could not come faster. It would give him time to relax...

A short sound popped up from Charlie's phone and he took it out of his jacket's pocket. A message in the group chat.

Okay, so slight change of plans. He could try to go back to his mum's house but there probably wasn't enough beer to bring, if any. Still thinking, he got on the bus. Maybe Evie would have some, but she might not let him take them. A quick message told her that she wasn't even at home, still working. And no, there wasn't beer at home. Perhaps one or two bottles, according to her, so definitely not enough for the party.

He sighed. No access to beer, no one to buy some for him and, as 16 years-old in the UK, no rights to buy any.

"A problem?" a voice said next to him.

He jumped, surprised before looking up at Isaac's upturned face. Charlie moved to face him, glanced back at his phone before shrugging.

"Oh... Nothing really... I need to find beer and... I don't know how I'm gonna do that."

"How much?"

"Well, for four people or so..."

"I might be able to help then," Isaac nodded.

"You can buy beer? Aren't you my age?" Charlie frowned. He hadn't really stopped to think about this details. Not that he stopped to think about Isaac. Of course.

"Well, I don't think so. I'm 18. But there is beer at my house, that's what I meant."

He smiled, to which Charlie answered with a nod. Okay, so change of plan. The shower wasn't on the horizon anymore, at least not soon, but he wasn't going to complain. He followed him out of the bus to his house, slightly nervous.

Isaac called to see if there was anyone inside but it appeared that they were alone. They got to the kitchen and Isaac opened a cupboard from where he pulled out a pack of beer.

"There's another if you need more. However..." Isaac started.

He opened the fridge to take out two bottles of beer.

"Do you have time for one before?"

Charlie accepted, without really checking the time. One beer couldn't hurt. And did he really need a change anyway? Isaac opened the bottles and gave one to Charlie before guiding him to his room upstairs. A library in the corner, filled with seemingly different kinds of books, more or less messy was the first thing Charlie saw. But then, he recognised the wall from the background of the videos, all the little pictures pinned on the wall in the midst of some handwritten quotes, and of course the string of fairy light. In front of that, the bed, which he only ever saw in pieces behind Isaac. He couldn't hide a light smile when he saw the teddy bear, wearing a little t-shirt, resting on the pillows. He turned to the desk, in front the bed, next to the window. What he couldn't see in the videos because that's where the tripod for the camera was. Simple enough desk, with his guitar leaning against it.

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