Saturday 13:24 Read On

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The mess that the appartement was in after the party wasn't something Evie or Charlie were ready to talk about after spending the whole morning cleaning it. They were glad that some people helped a little before leaving last night but seeing the state of most, it wasn't surprising that nothing much had happened on the cleaning side. Charlotte proposed her help but Evie declined; she didn't need to come from the other side of town just for that.

So after a few trash bags full of beer cans and empty paper plates, deep vacuuming, and others displeseant chores, they were able to sit down for a late lunch that Evie's sister had prepared.

"Thanks, Winnie," Evie said, taking off her gloves and apron before sitting down at the table, quickly joined by Charlie. "So, you said you broke off your engagement and came here but then changed the subject to the cleaning. So?"

"Can't we have a nice lunch?"

"No, because then later you'll tell me you're unpacking and then it'll be dinner, and then you'll be tired," She said, insisting on her words.

Winnie started arguing a little, probably something about not wanting to talk, especially in front of her sister's flatmate who she didn't know.. Charlie wasn't really paying attention, at least not to their conversation. He was trying to craft a message to Isaac. They didn't get to talk much after Evie erupted in the room to introduce a sister she didn't even seem to get along with that much. If there was a moment he didn't want to see interrupted, that was last night. Sure, none of them seemed to be ready to make the first step, to close the distance, but who knows what could have happened? Charlie didn't. But that didn't mean that he didn't want to try to figure out.

However, that message took him more time that planned. He typed something and was about to send it, but hesitated and deleted it. He wanted to ask him if he was doing something tomorrow, but should he? He ended up sending the text, thanking him for the being there at the party, but also asking him if he wanted to do something the next day, the plan itself was up to him. Keeping an eye on his phone, he came back to the discussion, where Winnie apparently decided it was confession time.

"...need to think, you know."

"But, dude, you called off a wedding that was due in what... two months because you needed to think?" Evie said, massaging her temples.

"Yes, I mean...I made my choice. I know it's not cool but I didn't really know it before he told me so... Understand me! I couldn't marry Matt anymore."

Evie shrugged.

"I guess... It's your life after all."

"Where are you going to sleep? There's only two bedrooms here." Charlie asked.

"'Lie? The fuck? She's just cancelled her wedding and you're worried about that? Who cares?" Evie shook her head, quite clearly frustrated by her surroundings. "What are you going to do?"

"Think, I told you. If he really love me, he'll make an effort this time and come to me. He needs to make his own choice. He hasn't tried to call yet." She shrugged, looking defeated. "If he does, then we'll see."

Charlie couldn't bring himself to care very much about this girl he didn't know, whose picture he had seen once because "look my sister's getting married". But he could understand what she meant to some extend without knowing or wanting to know the full picture.

He continued to eat without much appetite until his phone vibrated. He grabbed it quite quickly. Isaac. But not with the answer he was expecting.

But he couldn't say it was an unexpected answer. He sighed and put his phone away to listen to a conversation about Winnie's new and improved cooking skills, apparently coming from her ex-fiancé. Maybe they should have check the food for poison if they treat their food the way they treat their relationship. 

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