A c c e p t a n c e

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Yoonji woke up first, she saw her dads hugging each othes so she decided to use them as her bed. They both growled in surprised.

"How come I am not invited with the group hug?" Yoonji asked pouting.

"Aigoo." They both said.

And hugged Yoonji.

"I love you appa." Yoonji said and kissed Yoongi's cheeks. "I love you too Dad." Yoonji said and kissed Jin's cheeks too.

"Aigoo i love you more and most! The both of you." Jin said and hugged the two.

Slightly sit and kissed Yoongi's lips. "Hyung!" Yoongi said surprised touching his lips.

"Sorry I just can't help it. Your lips are addicting." Jin whisperers at Yoongi's ears.

"Anyways! Let's all stand up so we can have some stretching then go fishing!" Jin said excitedly. As he help Yoonji to get up.

Yoonji jumped in excitement. "I will catch many angel fish!" She said and opened the tent to go outside. He helped Yoongi to sit up first before pulling him for another peck of kiss again.

"I swear hyung." Yoongi said.

"I just can't believe you accept me. Yoongi." Jin said.

"Then believe it or not. I accept you because you accepted us first." Yoongi said smiling remembering Jin's words when they first agreed with this fake role play.

Jin was left there confuse.

"When?" Jin asked.

Yoongi started making some cereals for Yoonji. "Before you act to be Yoonji's dad." Yoongi said.

Jin looked at Yoongi... he suddenly remember what he said on that day.

"Honestly... when those words came out on you. I feel eased. I hope if I ever meet Yoonji's dad who was basically you. He will accept us no matter what." Yoongi said.

"I also never search for you... because of that annoying sticky note you left at the side table. I feel like I was like a toy— after being used once you throw me away." Yoongi said.

"Because it could be a sign that you were straight." Jin looked at Yoongi he sit next to him.

"Well I was not... Actually that time... when I was there. I got drunk because I got dumped by someone and also to celebrate because I passes my entrance exam." Jin said.

"Hm... I never searched for you not until I met a very annoyed pregnant man at Malta because he was trying to buy some coffee." Jin changed his expression.


Jin smiled. "That was the first time we met." Jin said.

"But I actually don't remember you because I was drunk also... I never checked on your face when I woke up. Afraid that I might woke you up that time." Jin muttered.

"Also that was the time she hired me to be Yoonji's dad as if she knew I was her real dad." Jin said smiling how small their world is... he can't imagine the man who he always thought that will hates him accepts him now.

This is the acceptance he's been longing for... like when he was young... he always thought why his parents hates his course, and his sexuality. He just really don't understand their shits in life. But he doesn't care anymore... he already have his man right here.

"Thank you Yoongi." Jin said and hugged him.

"Thanks for accepting me again in your life..." Jin said. Yoongi smiled at how cute Jin is... well if he didn't fall for his natural good looking and well mannered attitude. He might punch Jin last night.

"Let's just say that... be thankful I fall in love to you." Yoongi muttered, teasing the older.

"Thank you then... for loving me back." Jin answered.

Later that day, they spend the day near at the beach where Jin was trying to catch some angel fish for Yoonji. "Appa! Appa! I got one!" Yoonji said jumping from a distance.

Jin looked at Yoongi and Yoonji's direction. He find the two so cute while smiling.

"Wow! Awesome Yoonji." Jin said while holding the fish net. He only have some seaweeds.

"Let's go back now. The sun is burning your snow white like skin." He said to the two.

"Also we need to prepare go back home." Jin added.

Yoongi was wondering... tho the two of them are good now... He was glad that he was Yoonji's real dad... but the information he knows about him is not that much... he wanted to learn more about Jin.

He never mentioned about his parents, he mentioned he got dumped, Yoongi wanted to learn many things about Jin. That's what he wants right now... no matter what are the facts that will come out in his mouth... he will accept him.

They came home late... Yoonji was sleeping already Jin carried her daughter in his room. While Yoongi was at the living room... he laid at the sofa.

Jin came back to check him and saw him... Jin softly lift Yoongi's head so Yoongi now is using Jin's thighs as his pillow. Jin started combing the younger's soft hair.

"Hyung?" Yoongi started.


"I want to know you more hyung." Yoongi muttered.

"I want you to tell me about your life..." he said. Jin looked at Yoongi... Yoongi sit properly.

"What do you want to know?"

"Your parents hyung... I never heard about them." Yoongi asked...

Jin smiled. "My mom died for almost like 10 years now... I grow up with my father... but he disowned me when he knows about my sexuality."

"I left the house... But he never stopped supporting me... like he still send money to me." Yoongi looked at Jin worriedly...

"Hm... I use the money of course. It was written at my mother's contract before she died because of her terminal disease my father need to sustain me and give me enough allowance." Yoongi felt sad when he heard that her mother died.

"My mom was the first person who recognized that I am not straight. Because they used to bring some girls the same age as mine back... the purpose was to make a bond then I can get married when the times come. But I talked to my mom... she cried of course because he thought that he will never have grandchild... but since it was you I bet she is happy right now that I found my love." Jin said smiling to Yoongi.

"She is the person who accepted me first for who I am... That's why I am really grateful that I was born and was able to see the next person who accepts me." Jin said as he cares Yoongi's soft cheeks.

Yoongi's eyes are kinda teary after hearing his story about his mother. He felt like he was lucky enough that his parents accepts him...

"Because I love you hyung." Yoongi muttered. Jin smiled and close the gap between them.

"Thank you Yoongi-yah." Jin said and kissed him again.


J o k e hahahaha
I was just kidding hm... 2 more chapters or 3? Something like that hahahaa.

Anyways I am sorry if I am not updating recently.

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