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Yass this will be Mark's side story... Because JaRk deserves it ~ warning: long ass flashbacks or on and off flashback from past to present hahahaha ~


"Tuan Zachary!" Mark called his son from their room.

Mark picking every mess that Zach made, the younger left his toys all around the living room.

"Papa! I was chosen to be mr. J's 2 days and one night son." Zachary said while he was jumping.

"Ha? Who is mr. J?" Mark asked his son.

"Hm... I don't know who he is too... But my teacher said he will be our teacher tomorrow too." Mark just shrugged his son's words.

"Aigoo... Go get your toys and put them inside the box." Mark said.

Mark Tuan was a chinese-american, he learned korean when he came to be an idol in Seoul but end up being pregnant to Zach. Wherein Jackson Wang was the father. But the thing here is Jackson was straight, he doesn't see Mark the way Mark see him. Mark had a crush to his best friend, they met back when Mark was high high school they are classmates. Mark is the introvert child who doesn't talk who chose to be away to people... And there is Jackson the extrovert child who wants to be friends with everyone.

Mark was 15 when this full of happiness guy came to his life. Jackson Wang.

At first he thought that Jackson was just some random guy who just wants to have some friends. So he just let him, after all he was not that rude to push away the younger.

They become more close Mark started to have this feelings to Jackson that wasn't necessary to the both of them. It was unnecessary to fall for your best friend because it could ruin everything so Mark kept it all for himself.

They're both learning Korean, because they're both trainees in Korea. Mark's family was against this because at the very young age he was away to his parents, he even doesn't celebrate his birthday, Christmas and New year with his parents because he is away to them.

But gladly... Jackson Wang was there to keep the warm...

Mark is 18 years old now, he is 6 months older to Jackson. The two of them are both still underage for drinking but no one will know if they just keep it secret they were celebrating their debut... They will be debuting after 3 years of practicing.

But you know since they're young, they are both low in tolerance of drinking. That makes change everything between them.

After mark saw what happened to them that night he quickly left Jackson without having a words. He left the younger saying sorry.

"Appa?" Zach started.

"Yoonji met her dad, will I meet mine too?" Zach asked while hugging his father, and Mark was brushing his son's soft hair.

"Hm... You know that you and Yoonji are in different situation right? I know it is hard to understand baby... But soon okay. I will try..." Mark said kissing Zachary's forehead.

"Now go to sleep so you can grow up." Mark said.

Mark just wished that his son can stop from growing up, because as time passes by... Zach is become more curious to his dad.

The next day

Mark did his morning routine as usual he need to bring his son at school and left him there. After leaving Zach in the school. He then called the baby sitter he hire for his son.

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