The Long Way Home

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I read on my watch. School had just ended and I was walking home as usual. I fastened my pace when I felt the water droplets from the sky get thicker. It was a few weeks into autumn, and it was absolutely beautiful. All the leaves had turned into an orange reddish brown color, and the weather was never to hot or cold. It may have been almost 3 o'clock, but the change in the season made it seem just a bit later.

I lifted my hands above my head to protect my hair from the sprinkling rain though it wasn't very helpful. When I reached the beginning of a new neighborhood I let my hands down. There were enough tall trees to barely allow rain to pass through and so I slowed down.

Just in time I thought. I was on the 5th street of my complex, which was quite far from where I lived, on the 1rst street. I always took the long way home, and made sure to arrive no later than 3 o'clock sharp. As I walked into the neighborhood, I read the crossroad sign that said Oakland Street.

The street was full of fallen cherry tree leaves and pretty houses. But I didn't walk all this way just for that, but because Kim Taehyung would check the mail everyday at 3. He was a Junior at my highschool and every girl at the school had a crush on him, including me. I hated to sound like the creepy neighbor who knew his schedule and "accidentally" ran into him all the time, but I was.

Taehyung had been my crush since first period music class of my freshman year. I was now a sophomore and continued taking music class though I had no talent what's so ever, just to see him everyday. Despite the fact that I saw him twice a day, he didn't know I existed. We have never had a conversation, and the only time he had addressed me was because the teacher was absent and he took attendance for the substitute teacher.

But it's not like I wanted to talk  to him, he was a beautiful face but not a beautiful personality. A lot of people couldn't get close to him even if they wanted, he was, well, fuck. I slowed down at a ridiculous pace when I almost reached his house.

I heard his door unlock. I smirked at how well I was getting at timing, it was impressive if I do say so myself. As I looked up to see his wavy brown hair and tall figure, I was surprised to see he was looking directly at me and looked a bit...pissed. I immediately put my head down, it was so awkward to look at him and for once to have him look back at me. His foot steps got closer but eventually he passed his mail box and planted himself in front of me.

" Y/N, right?" He said with a visible annoyed tone in his deep voice.
Any other day I would have been filled with excitement to hear him say my name and talk to me, but today probably wasn't the best time.

"Umm y-yes," I did my best to look up at him. When I did I could see the amount of rage in his eyes.
"Is this yours?" He handed me a small black diary. My diary.

This diary was filled with all the typical stuff, friends, teachers, but most of it was about Taehyung. I had written down his daily schedules in here, and wrote about things that I wouldn't want anyone to know. I quickly snatched it from his hands as I felt myself turn a deep shade of red.

"Where'd you get this from?" I asked in shock. I knew I had lost it, but wasn't worried because I thought I had lost it somewhere in my closet.
"You turned this in to the composition basket instead of your music note book,"
I knew I should have chosen a different color. Before I could say anything he interrupted me.
"Your stalking me!" He raised his voice. I flinched at the sudden volume.

Stalking was a strong word, it was more like 'heavily in touch with his whereabouts'.
"Who knew the most quiet girl in class was such a freak, wait till everyone finds out" He laughed in a mocking tone.

I was so lost for words, if he read everything in my journal I was done for. I would get teased by the entire school about my obsession and my desires with him. Taehyung has had a past with exposing people, and I definitely would hate  to be in that situation. When I looked back up, He was already half way up his drive way. I had to think fast.

Taehyung ff {21+}-The Long Way HomeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang