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6 days have past, all of which I had spent with Calum. Every moment possible, I was by his side. I was trying to savor every moment I could before he left for tour. Every morning I got to wake up next to him, with his crazy bed head and pouty lips; to every night, falling asleep to him tracing circles on my back and placing kisses on my neck. 

It was our last day together. Calum had put off the majority of his packing, of course, so he spent most of the morning running around like a lunatic, throwing things into his suitcase.

"Babe, I made breakfast," I called from the kitchen, sliding eggs onto his plate. He came running in, plopping down into his seat, vacuuming up his food. "I'm guessing it's good," I said.

"Oh, yes, baby, thank you. I'm sorry, I'm just so stressed with everything right now. There's so much to do and so little time."

I frowned at his tired eyes. "It's okay, really. This is a lot for you, it's a huge. But I'm very excited for you and proud of you. It's gonna be great."

"It'd be better with you there."

I sighed, "I wish I could be."

"I know." He gave me a small smile then pressed a kiss to my forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too. But you do know you have to be ready in 20 minutes and you still don't have pants on."


And with that, he was pack into crazy-packing mode, still in his underwear. 

- - -

20 minutes pass and we began loading dozens of suitcases into the car, squeezing in as much as possible. The trunk barely closes and we are on our way to the airport. I feel an uneasiness in my stomach and a lump in my throat the whole drive there. I try to play it off as much as possible, I don't want to leave Calum all sad. I want him to be excited and happy, and I want him to think I am too. But it hurts to see him leave. 

We pull up to the airport and the boys are waiting out front for us. They begin unpacking the car and getting everything in order. I give them all hugs and tell them to have a blast on tour and to take care of each other. They thank me and start to wheel all the luggage inside. I take a deep breath because I know the goodbye is coming. The lump in my throat is painful. 

Calum sets down his bags and takes my face into my hands, looking into my eyes. His eyes begin to swell up with tears and there is a sad smile on his face.

"I've been dreading this with everything ounce of me. I hate having to leave you," he says, choking up. At this point, tears are falling down my face like a waterfall.

He kisses me one last time, then pulls me into a tight hug. We cry in each others arms for a few moments then one of his managers shouts that it's time to go. 

"I love you, Maya."

"I love you too, Calum."

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