
8.1K 156 39

genre: fluff
words: 1,552

Author's POV

"You're not trying hard enough, Y/n! You're always on that stupid phone or hanging out with your friends! You'll get no where in life if you keep it up!" The man yelled at the girl that was flinching below him.

Y/n stared at the ground, tears starting to form in her eyes "I-I'm sorry dad. I'm really trying. I promise-"

"No. You're not." Y/n's mom came into view and stood next to her father, "You always disappoint us. I'm not surprised anymore."

Y/n frowned, "I'll do better, I promise."

Y/n's father sighed and pointed to the staircase, "Get out of my sight for now, I don't wanna deal with you anymore."

Y/n mumbled a small quiet 'Okay' before heading to the stairs and going up to her room, slowly shutting the door behind her. As soon as the door was shut, Y/n let out a sob. She leaned against the door, covering her mouth to muffle the cries coming out. 'When will I be enough? Why, why do they hate me so much?' Those thoughts were running through her head. Y/n's crying was interrupted by her voice vibrating. Confused, she wiped her tears away and picked up her phone. The screen being the only source of light in the dark room.
Knowing that someone was calling her, she answered it.


The girl slightly smiled hearing her best friends voice, "Hey Seungmin."

"So me and the boys were thinking that tomorrow we could-" Seungmin stopped mid sentence because he could hear Y/n sniffling. "What's wrong?"

Y/n was confused, "What?"

"I can hear you sniffling. Are you crying?" He asked through the phone, worry could be heard in his voice.

Y/n was surprised that he could hear that, "I-I'm okay."

"No you're not. What's wrong?" Seungmin demanded. He was sure there was something not right and he was going to help her through it. I mean, who wouldn't help the person they're in love with?

Y/n started to tear up thinking about the conversation with her parents again, "S-Seungmin..." Her tears fell one by one, landing on the carpet under her.

Seungmin got up and immediately started changing into some sweat pants and a hoodie, putting the phone on speaker so he could still hear her while he got changed "I'm coming over. Don't do anything. I'll be there in five minutes."

"N-no, you can't." Y/n tried to stop him.

"Why not?"

"My parents.." Y/n opened her bedroom door slightly and looked down the stairs to find no one there, but she was sure they were in their room. "They wouldn't let you, especially right now."

However, Seungmin didn't care if her parents allowed it or not. He was going to comfort his princess, "I'm gonna come through your window, i'll be there soon."

"W-what? Seungmin-" He didn't let Y/n finish her sentence as he had already hung up the phone.

Y/n sighed and rubbed her eyes and got up. She laid on her bed and waited for Seungmin to arrive. Y/n shut her eyes, but before she could fall asleep, a soft knock came from the window. She got up and walked towards the window, seeing Seungmin grasping on to the window edge. "Seungmin!" Y/n immediately opened the glass, letting the boy slip inside.

"My hands hurt." Seungmin began to whine while rubbing his hands together.

Y/n rolled her eyes and sat on the floor in front of him, grabbing his hands and looking at the scratches on them "This is why you could've been a normal person and went through the front door."

"But your parents wouldn't let me, so how else was I supposed to come in?" Seungmin smiled and grabbed her hand.

Y/n blushed and stood up, pulling Seungmin up with her "Let's go clean your hands."

The two went into the bathroom and Y/n pulled out a first aid kit from the cabinet. She started to clean Seungmins cut, focusing closely. She didn't notice that Seungmin was staring at her the whole time, smiling and his eyes filled with love "Y/n?"

She finished wrapping Seungmins hand before looking at him, "Yes?"

"Can you tell me what happened?" He grabbed her arm and led her out of the bathroom and onto Y/n's bed.

Y/n stared down at her hands and frowned, "I-It's my parents..."

"What happened? Did they fight?" Seungmin placed his hand on her back.

"I-I'm not good enough Seungmin. I'm never good enough for them." Y/n's eyes filled with tears once again. Seungmin frowned and pulled Y/n into a tight hug, securing her in his arms.

"Don't cry, please don't cry." Seungmin mumbled into her hair, "It's okay baby, I'm here."

Y/n clutched onto his shirt and sobbed harder into his chest, "They never think I try. They blame everything on me every time. I don't deserve anything. It hurts Seungmin."

"You're perfect Y/n. They may not see it, but in my eyes you're perfect. You're the most hard working person I know. Don't believe them. You're more than enough Y/n. Please don't think otherwise. You're amazing and you deserve the world. Stop crying princess, please. I hate seeing you like this." Seungmin whispered and kissed her forehead.

Y/n sniffled and hugged him tighter, "Thank you Seungmin. Thank you for being here. You're really the best. I'm sorry I cried on you."

Seungmin smiled and cupped her cheeks, "It's okay. I'll be here for you always." The two stared into each other's eyes, unknowingly leaning in closer. Seungmin smiled before connecting their lips, pulling Y/n closer to him. Y/n's eyes fluttered shut as she wrapped her arms around his neck, returning the kiss. After they broke apart, Seungmin wiped the remaining tears off of her cheeks "I'll make sure you never cry again. I'll protect you. I'll love you. I'll be by your side forever, only if you be mine." Seungmin leaned in and placed his forehead on hers, staring into her eyes.

Y/n smiled and pecked his lips, "I'll be yours. I love you, Seungmin. Thank you."

Seungmin giggled and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her onto his lap "I love you more."

A smile slowly makes its way onto Y/n's face. She knew that everything was going to be okay now that she had Seungmin by her side. "Sleep here tonight, just get up and leave early in the morning tomorrow. I want you to stay with me."

"Alright baby." Seungmin slowly laid his back onto the mattress and pulled Y/n on top of him, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Y/n giggled and snuggled into his chest, "Goodnight Seungmin."

"Goodnight princess." Seungmin smiled and kissed her forehead softly.


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