Side Story 7: Si nian (Four Years)

Start from the beginning

"My greatest regards to my future daughter-in-law," Wen Mao said and slowly nodded his head at the Jin leader.

Future daughter-in-law?

Who said so?


Jin Guangshan tried not to nervous again.

But in the end, he let a nervous laugh slip out, "Aha...thank you Wen zong zhu for the concern."

For a moment, Wen Mao looked around the room and waited until the servants was done serving small beverages and snacks on the small table in front of them. When the servants were done, they were ordered to leave the main hall and Jin Guangshan's two servants by his side were no exception. They also had to leave. His two servants leaving made the Jin leader uncomfortable but Jin Guangshan had no choice but to gesture for his servants to leave. Watching his servant's leave, the Jin leader closed up his fan and paid close attention to his surroundings.

Well to gain power, the Jin leader was willing to give up his precious daughter but his own life (lol)?

"Well," Wen Mao began. "...Jin zong zhu, are you ready?"

"Ah? Ready?" Jin Guangshan questioned.

The Wen leader mockingly laughed and clarified, "Are you ready for this marriage between my son and your daughter?"

"Uh..." The Jin leader stuttered for a moment and once again, he let out a small nervous sigh.

He thought, "Ready? Of I? All I have to do is marry A Qin to Wen Ruohan and I will be able to share power with the Wen sect..."

But was Jin Guangshan really going to do what he had planned all along? As he sat in the Wen family's main hall, the Jin leader could only feel his breath quicken and although he traveled far to make the final agreement on the marriage-alliance between the Jin and Wen sect, Jin Guangshan suddenly began to have second thoughts. For a few seconds, Little Zhuqin's playful voice echoed deep within his heart and even her innocent smile was able to make the Jin leader question his sanity of trying to gain power by giving her away.

...Simply because Little Zhuqin had the birthmark of a phoenix flying over a red lotus. The phoenix was often associated with the empress and the empress always needed an emperor but if anything, even if no one could become the emperor they could always try to become empress. The empress had power after all. But because of the prophecies she was born with, the young girl was going to be used like a rare gem to fulfill anyone's dream.

Once again, the Jin leader remembered what the Gusu Buddhist monk said years ago.

"However, since your daughter will be gifted with such rare beauty in this harsh cultivation world, she should at least be able to fulfill her own wishes...and be used to fulfill other people's..."

...Be used to fulfill other people's wishes...

...But Little Zhuqin...

Noticing the long silence Wen Mao called out, "Jin zong zhu."

Jin Guangshan immediately snapped out of his complicated thoughts and blinked a few times at the Wen leader. Wen Ruohan let out a ridiculing laugh and crossed his arms together.

He began, "Jin zong zhu, I hope you have not forgotten that you are here to wed your daughter with me."

The Jin leader looked at Wen Ruohan and lightly laughed as he scratched the back of his head. Of course he was in Qishan to confirm the marriage between Wen Ruohan and Little Zhuqin in exchange for power, but a father's silent intuition began to form. For another few seconds, Little Zhuqin's voice and smile pierced Jin Guangshan's heart again. Although his true intention was to marry his daughter to Wen Ruohan after her three years in Yunmeng, the Jin leader decided to make them wait another four years.

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