Chapter 7: Chentong (Remorse) Part 1

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The night sky had finally approached.  While attendants and disciples were scattering all over the place to get to their private rooms, a few attendants had fallen asleep in the kitchen from the dosed syrup Baoqi had rewarded them earlier.   In Xuanzhu Hall, the elders in Zixuan's room carefully observed their surrounding area to ensure everyone's safety.  The Qin twins were in the back garden and they were also crouched quite low to not catch the attention of Yunlin.  With one finger on each string, Little Zhan continued to play the guqin while the ghostly melody echoed softly into the darkness.  As expected, Yunlin gradually approached Xuanzhu Hall as she planned and thought it was weird that her 'Little Zhuqin' would be playing her instrument with such dimness in her room. 

"Uhm, Qing-neixiong (Brother-in-law Qing), does your son really have to be playing the guqin at this time?  And to be playing such beautiful music..." Baoqi quietly whispered as she sat on Zixuan's bed.

"Uh..." Qingheng stuttered while Little Zhan continued to strum the cords.

"Oh that is right...why didn't we tell him earlier?" Huan whispered while a sweat dropped down the side of his head.

Guangshan was about to whisper for the individuals to forget the matter and only hope that Yunlin did not catch on to anything, but before he could say anything, a tender whisper came from outside.  It was obviously Yunlin calling for her 'daughter' in the kindest and softest voice she could ever make in six years.

"Qin er," She gently whispered.  "Qin er??"

"...Is that...who I think it is?" The Jin leader quietly whispered.

"Dangren, ta shi Yun meimei a (Of course that is younger sister Yun).  Who else would be lurking around at this time near Xuanzhu Hall?" The Jin mistress quietly responded.

Who else could be?

"Shh," Guangshan shushed.  "She's here."

"Tsk, and HE was the one asking questions," Baoqi irritatingly thought to herself.

"Qin er..." Yunlin continued to quietly call out, not knowing that it was Little Zhan (lol).

"Qin er wo de hao haizi, ni hai zai xing ma (Qin er my good child, are you still awake)?" The Lan mistress whispered tenderly as she approached the front window of Little Zhuqin's room.

Upon hearing his aunt's familiar voice, Little Zhan immediately stopped playing the guqin.  The sound vibrated softly, and faded away as he slightly turned his head to the right side to take a small glimpse behind himself. 

            "Qin er, ni hai zai xing ma (Qin er are you still awake)?  Mother would like to come in to see you," Yunlin continued to call out as she peeked through the front window.

            Fortunately for Little Zhan, his face was obscured by the windows peony screen pattern and the wooden frames designed with bright gold outlines.  The young lad calmly placed his hands in his laps.

            "Qin er, weihe ni bu shuo hua ne (Qin er, why are you not saying anything)?" Yunlin continued to question and slowly walked along the wall to Zixuan's front room window.

            "Kuai, nimen duo qilai, ta lai le (Quick, you guys hide, she is coming)," Guangshan whispered as Qingheng hastily pushed Huan onto Zixuan's bed.

            The Jin mistress quietly got on the ground and hid behind Zixuan's bed frame that was out of Yunlin's view from the front window.  Qingheng, Qiren and Guangshan hid directly below the front window while Huan quickly tucked himself inside Zixuan's bed.

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