Side Story 6: WO gan (I dare to) Part 1

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The Lanling Jin carriage grew smaller from the distance and Guangshan continued waving until the carriage completely disappeared from view.

Zixuan clicked his tongue,"Tsk, so fake... (;一ω一||)"

            "What is?" Guangshan asked.  "Your younger sister is going away for three years, of course I would miss her."

            The young lad just remained silent and kept his arms crossed.

            The Jin leader questioned, "Zenme (Why)?  Will you not miss her?"

"...Xiang...wo dangren xiang (Miss...of course I miss her)... ಥ_ಥ" Zixuan mumbled to himself.

"Ah?  Ni shuo shenme (What, what did you say)?" Guangshan questioned.

Baoqi cleared her throat, "Hao le, ni shibushi hen mang ma (Well then, aren't you really busy)?  Trying to argue with the child and such..."

"Zhenglun (Argue)?" The Jin leader irritatingly queried and turned his attention to his wife.  "If anything, I would need to argue with you."

Upon agreeing to that statement, Zixuan turned to his mother.  For a split second, Baoqi looked at her son then back at Guangshan.

"Heh," Baoqi ridiculed.  "Father and son, what would I expect?  Shuo ba (Speak)."

"Hao (Fine by me), just what are you trying to do by sending A Qin away to stay in Yunmeng?  Not only did you send her for a few months, but three years?" The Jin leader asked, his tone sounding quite stern.

"Me?  What was I trying to do?  Ni wang le ma (Have you forgotten)?  Yun meimei is dead and even though A Qin does not show it, she is obviously saddened by this tragedy.  She is still a child at heart and even a kid needs time for herself," Baoqi enlightened.

Zixuan questioned irritatingly, "...In Yunmeng?  By herself( ̄ε ̄)?"

The Jin mistress looked at her son, "Dui, Yunmeng (Right, Yunmeng)."

"Ni (You)," "Wo shenme (I what)?  Didn't you ask me a question?  I just answered it," Baoqi interrupted the Jin leader.

Then Guangshan inquired, "...Zhe shi guyi de dui ma (This did this on purpose, didn't you)?"

            "Heh, guyi bushi guyi...tamen dou zou le...women gai zenme zuo ne (Heh, purpose or not on purpose, they already left...what do you supposed we really do)?" The Jin mistress confidently replied.

            "Hmph...I bet this is all for that future son-in-law of yours..." Guangshan uttered and flared his fan open.

            Baoqi laughed again, "Zenme hui ne (How can that be), I just love A Qin and want her to heal as soon as possible..."

            The Jin leader ridiculed her reply with a simple breath like laugh and began walking away.

            Then the mistress began, "Ni bie wang le, xianzai kaishi wo shi A Qin niang (Do not forget, I am A Qin's mother starting today)..."

            "Hmph," Guangshan avoided her statement and fanned himself as he took a few more steps forward.

            "Therefore, as her mother...I need to do what is best for her,"

            "Best for her?" The Jin leader irritatingly began.

As expected, he stopped walking and turned back to face his mistress. 

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