Chapter 2: A Storm is coming

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A few days later, Zixuan happened to walk by Jinxing Hall during his morning practice patrol with his spiritual dog, Dan Dan. He had heard the crazed laughter of Little Zhuqin's mother coming from a distance, seemingly from the back garden he and Little Zhuqin saw a few days prior. He knew that his step mother was not in any good condition and could just be laughing to herself but her laugh this time was again, the laughter of a killer maniac. Suspicious, he quietly stepped passed Jinxing Hall's front gate and as quiet as a predator to its prey, he walked to the back door where Zixuan saw Yunlin dancing in a crazed manner where even the dance itself was not elegant but full of darkness. Although Yunlin was murmuring thoughts to herself, Zixuan had heard them too without directly eavesdropping.

"It's time for that plan again. I'm going to kill her, going to kill her. If I kill her, I will be able to get his love again. If only she had been born a son, would my life be happy right now. I'm actually doing a good deed to her if everyone thinks about it. I'm going to kill her and she will be able to start a new life again. Yes, I am doing a good thing. Killing her is a good thing, not a bad thing. Why has everyone been trying to stop me these past few years when all I am doing is giving her the best?"

"Killing her is the best gift you could give to your child? What a lunatic." Zixuan thought to himself as Yunlin continued murmuring insane thoughts out loud.

"If I kill her, her miserable life of living with me would be over right? She should be thanking me. After I kill her, should I kill that brat Zixuan too? That son of Jie jie's is going to take over the family in the future so I should kill him too. Yes, killing that brat of mine and that brat of Jie jie's is a good idea. I am not only going to kill that child but also that Zixuan. Yes, yes. However Zhuqin is my priority. She must go first."

"How did Qin er even get born to this lunatic mother of hers?" Zixuan thought again and backed up slowly, exiting out from the front entrance door then the front gate.

He had gone to Jin Lin Tai's main hall where he looked for his father Guangshan but since he did not see his father present, Zixuan had only assumed that Guangshan was going to leave the sect for 'meetings' with other sects and had gone to wait at the main entrance of Lanling Jin's inner palace. From the corner of a building and as expected from Zixuan, his father walked out with some elders as well as attendants. Zixuan walked and stood in front of the main entrance door with his arms crossed together.

His beautiful male princess face was stern and ready to tackle his father's typical excuses for the day.

"Xuan er..."

Jin Guangshan, father of Zixuan and Zhuqin. He is the husband of Jin Baoqi and Lan Yunlin as well as the current leader of the Lanling Jin Sect. His beautiful appearance stands out above all of the other cultivator sects and is known to be a womanizer in private. He tends to favor a woman then forgets about her completely, leaving any responsibilities behind for the woman to handle alone. He claims to have married Lan Yunlin for a son, although his real intentions for avoiding her involved a family member. His family background is not known however he had an elder brother who passed away. Heck, even his real intentions on marrying her were unknown. He loves Zhuqin dearly but his intentions with her are also still unknown.

"Father where are you going?" asked Zixuan with quite the irritated tone.

"Well you see, there is another meeting with other sects so I must go." Guangshan said, trying to make an obvious excuse that ten year old Zixuan already knew the answer to.

"I see." Zixuan replied with a monotone like expression. "Well even though I am your son, I obviously cannot stop you from going to those meetings you claim to be going to. However I suggest that you go to Gusu Lan and have them claim their sister back." Zixuan said and walked towards his father who knew that even though Zixuan had the aura of a male 'princess,' he was as fierce as his mother Baoqi in words as well as actions.

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