Side Story 5: sleepIng sWEets

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After their family dinner, the young trio had gone to Xuanzhu Hall while Zixuan had gone with the elders to properly hear their plan for the night. The elders and Zixuan made their way back to the private meeting room, obviously already walking quite a distance that day since Jin Lin Tai (Carp Tower) was quite a huge palace to cover. For the Jin leader and Baoqi, they had matters to discuss in the palace's main kitchen.

While the mistress and leader were in the kitchen, the cooks and attendants were outside of the room. From his right sleeve, Guangshan pulled out a small and thin square brown packet, the size of a modern-day dum-dum candy wrapper. He handed the small packet to his wife.

"Zhe shi shenma (What is this)?" Baoqi questioned as she received the packet.

"...Qin er is going to need it," The Jin leader replied.

Baoqi suspiciously held up the packet up to her nose and gave a light sniff.

"...It has a faint floral smell," She said and looked up at Guangshan.

But no matter how aromatic the packet was, Baoqi could only suspect the item inside to be out of the ordinary since ANYTHING in such a small brown packet was always deemed suspicious. Some.

"Of course, the powder inside is made out of pink jasmine flower after all," The Jin leader bluntly replied, not bothering to hide what he was thinking.

"Of course, the powder inside is made out of pink jasmine flower after all," The Jin leader bluntly replied, not bothering to hide what he was thinking

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"Powder?" Baoqi questioned.

"Just...just what are you," "Tonight...I have a feeling that Yunlin will definitely make her mark, therefore it is only natural that I give this to you now right?" Guangshan abruptly interrupted his mistress.

"But this powder!" The mistress quietly whispered out loud. "Powder...just what do you plan to do with this thing?"

"I am not going to do anything," The Jin leader calmly replied and flared his fan open.


"You are the mistress of our Jin sect, you ought to know what to do already." Guangshan encouraged and closed his fan up then pointed it directly at his wife.

Baoqi had quite the confused and irritated look on her face since she did not KNOW what to exactly do. Besides, she was still secretly upset from the argument earlier. She pasued for a moment then began to piece things together.

Yunlin...Little Zhuqin...

If Yunlin was really going to attack tonight, and if the elder Lan brothers wanted to properly execute her quietly...would that not also mean that Little Zhuqin had to stay out of their way too?

Then the small packet that had the floral smell was...

If the small packet was not poison, and if it was powder...then was it probably sleeping powder?

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