Chapter 7: Chentong (Remorse) Part 2

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After hearing about the death of Jin Guangmeng again, Guangshan turned his face away and dared not to look at Yunlin, the woman whom had betrayed both the Jin brothers for so long. He tugged his sleeve away from Baoqi and placed his hands behind his back, then completely turned his body away from the Lan mistress. Baoqi herself, looked almost in disbelief at the story but she had to trust that Yunlin DID kill Jin Guangmeng in the past since she was capable of killing her own child. However, the Jin mistress felt as if Yunlin had also lied to her for a few years. Baoqi had only believed that Yunlin wanted to kill Little Zhuqin because of Guangshan's womanizing behavior...but now Baoqi knew that Yunlin....Yunlin was at fault.

Everything....Yunlin was to blame for everything.

Instead of verbally venting her anger however, the Jin mistress simply stayed silent while she gave Yunlin a simple cold stare.

The Lan mistress went quiet for a bit after sharing her memories of her past beloveds death. She breathed in then let out a slow and long sigh. One could tell her breath was shaking and Yunlin was close to tears again. Back then, she did not dare cry when Guangmeng instantly died. She was not afraid when his blood stained her clothes. But if she was honest herself, Yunlin had been haunted with his death ever since and from Guangmeng's unjust loss, the Lan mistress just became crazier...and crazier. that they knew Jin Guangmeng's cruel death was caused by was...only tell whom her other victims were. There was no use hiding any longer since...since death was finally...FINALLY upon her.

"Brother Qing...I still have more to tell you," Yunlin began.

"..Shuo ba (Go ahead and speak)," Responded Qingheng.

"...Six years ago, there was a woman who suddenly appeared and said she was a parentless person looking for a job. Since she said that any job will do, our Jin family took her in as a maid. We did not know her name but she said she was usually called, 'Nu,' and that was what we called her." Yunlin began explaining.

"...Nu? Is it THAT Nu?" Guangshan thought to himself.

"As time went by, that Nu servant became closer with Guangshan and even became pregnant with his child..."

Qingheng and Qiren let out a small gasp and looked up at their younger brother-in-law in distrust.

"Sha...Shandi (Younger brother Shan)," The Lan leader quietly whispered.

The Jin leader kept his back turned towards the elder Lan siblings and only crossed his arms together anxiously.

"That Nu servant became pregnant but she quickly killed it and she blamed me for the death of her unborn child, saying that I was jealous of her. Afterwards, Guangshan began to avoid me. Hours felt like days and days felt like years. I felt weak and angry because a mere maid took away the man I loved was only after I secretly found her to be sending messages to her Wen sect, that I found that Nu servant to be a spy from Qishan Wen."

"She was from Qishan Wen?" The Jin leader thought surprisingly to himself and hastily turned around to look down at Yunlin. " could I have been so blind?"

"A spy from Qishan Wen?" Qingheng questioned. "Why would they..."

"...Because I was angry at her, I used that Wen Nu to poison my daughters food for three years. I was hoping that Qin er will die and that Wen Nu would die as punishment since I knew that Guangshan loved Qin er very much. But for those three years...she failed to kill Qin er."

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