Introduced Characters so Far Five

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Qin Cangye

(MINOR) He is the current leader of the Laoling Qin sect, elder half-brother of Qin Baoqi, Qin Cai's husband and the father of the Qin siblings (Zhongxin and Su). His clan is a smaller branch of the Lanling Jin sect. Although being a branch lower than the Jin leader, Cangye supports and is loyal to Jin Guangshan. He is shown to be quite caring, kind, and often compliments others, especially Baoqi. To his own knowledge, Qin Su is his biological daughter.

Qin Su

(MINOR) She is the daughter of Qin Cai, half-younger sister to Qin Zhongxin, daughter of Jin Guangshan, Qin Baoqi's younger cousin and not the biological daughter of Qin Cangye. At eight-years-old, Su is well refined and has an adult-like appearance with a childish personality. In truth, Su is a child born out of sexual assault. If Baoqi did not intervene with the matter of Zhongxin being sent into Lanling Jin by her mother, Su would have unintentionally killed Little Zhuqin. Su would have also been a secret competitor to Little Zhuqin in terms of cultivation skills to gain the approval of Jin Guangshan, her father.

Qin Cai

(NEW MINOR) The wife of Qin Cangye, elder sister-in-law to Qin Baoqi and mother to the Qin siblings (Zhongxin and Su). She was initially the one who told Zhongxin to enter Lanling Jin as a low servant and keep an eye on Little Zhuqin to potentially kill her. Out of hatred and rage for the past eight years, Cai knew the young girl was Guangshan's most prized treasure therefore the Qin mistress tried to swap Qin Su with Little Zhuqin as revenge, but the plan was ultimately stopped by Baoqi. Although Cai insisted that she did not want to kill Little Zhuqin to live in Jin Lin Tai, she had yet to properly confirm that that was also part of her plan; kill Little Zhuqin, beg Guangshan to take in Qin Su and live in Jin Lin Tai, which then makes Baoqi her rival. Her main motive was clear though; get rid of Little Zhuqin and secretly blackmail the Jin leader by having him adopt Qin Su into the Jin sect. Other than her scheming plans, Cai tends to be easily manipulated and is seen to be afraid of Baoqi.

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