Chapter 6 - Part 1

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Chapter 6


– Path of Teth.
The Vision of the Fruit of the Great Work of the Beast - 666. The Lion.1 –

"Because I'm not a sun, like you, I wish I were a mirror as clear as crystal,
so that I could reflect your incandescent light ...
However, not even a dull mirror I'm able to be ...
My existence has been marked by a growing dark shadow that devours my being ... and in my pain I know I can never be close to the iridescent sun that you are."

Part 1

He disappeared and didn't return, not even to sleep.

The dinner I left in the oven, like usual, was still there Sunday morning, and the same from Sunday to Monday.

I spent the weekend alone, with Lea as my only company, and took the chance to put my studies in order. I replied my mom's e-mails, making up trivial things that would fill my everyday life and cleaned the house.

Saturday night Steph called to know how I was doing but mainly to tell me that Mark had officially asked her out, directly and with all the letters. She hadn't known what to say, asking him to let her think about it. The most amusing thing was how shocked she sounded, not because of his proposition per se, but because apparently there were still people in the world able to make love declarations like the one she'd just received.

Monday arrived cold and rainy.

I stared into my wardrobe for at least fifteen minutes, trying to figure out what to wear. Before I wouldn't have had any doubts, putting on my comfortable wool pants.

I got dressed and went downstairs, expecting to find him in the kitchen, but he wasn't there. I had breakfast oppressed by a foreboding feeling until I realized I'd never had breakfast alone before. Rachel had always woken up earlier to make it for me, even when we still lived with my dad. And since she was gone Gabriel had always been there.

I was angry at myself for feeling lonely enough to wish his terrible company and, after feeding Lea, left the house diving into the cold outside.

When I arrived at school I'd already told myself that he probably wouldn't show up and wished he could simply disappear just like that, as if everything had been nothing but a nightmare. My wishful thoughts broke into pieces as soon as I entered our classroom. And there he was, sitting in his place, talking with Steph who had miraculously arrived before the first bell.

That aside the morning went by like every other Monday morning. In Philosophy Kevin greeted me with his usual silent presence and, when the bell rang again, we met the others and went down to the cafeteria. Gabriel joined us not long after and handed Joe a CD that left him so excited he wouldn't stop jumping up and down.

"Stop it! You're just like a monkey!" Joanne scolded him, tired of looking at him, making us all smile in anticipation, but Joe didn't even seem to hear her, repeatedly kissing the CD's casing.

"I still can't believe it! You can't possible imagine how much I've looked for this! In all the stores!" he told Gabriel with a smile from ear to ear and he laughed lightly.

"I have a big collection. All you have to do is ask," he replied, leaving Joe in a complete state of adoration, and I focused my attention on the menus. Collection? Where? I could only hope he hadn't stolen all the things he made magically appear out of nowhere.

"Hey Mari! Look! Over there..." Steph whispered and I followed the direction she discretely pointed. "What is he doing here?"

I felt my cheeks warm up and my heart jump a beat. Michael stood by the door and seemed to be looking for someone. Then, as if something had called him, his clear green eyes turned my way and a bright smile touched his lips.

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