Chapter 5 - Part 1

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Chapter Five


– The Slave-Gods superseded. The Vision of the Stl of Revealing, abolishing the Aeon of the Slave-Gods –

"I smile ironically before my own lie.
I look at the world around me searching for someone that will be able to see beyond my make-believe act. But no one sees me... no one listens... no one feels me...
and so, in a mute scream, I fall in this dark precipice... and I go insane."

When the alarm clock rang just the thought of what awaited me outside made me wish I'd never have to wake up again.

I sighed, sitting up, and looked at the small black fur ball curled beside my pillow.

"Hey ... How did you get here?" I asked, petting him between his ears, and the little kitten opened his silver eyes, stretching and yawning as he showed a perfect line of small sharp teeth. Purring soundly, he rubbed his muzzle against my hand and I couldn't help smiling. "No time to play with you now," I said, gently placing him on the floor, and stood up to open the curtains for another gray day.

With the bleak reminder of last night's talk I readied myself for the worst and opened my wardrobe. It was empty, as to be expected, and even though I'd known what was in stored for me that morning, I couldn't help feeling outraged as I opened the draws finding them completely empty as well. With the exception of the one containing my underwear and some old clothes I normally used around the house, everything else was gone.

"Ah! At least I have the right to choose which bra to wear!" I protested, annoyed, and the sound of sharp claws against the wooden door made me look back. I sighed, leaving my morning annoyance to open the door, and the kitten slipped outside smelling and sticking his nose in one of the bags waiting in the corridor.

Picking them up, I didn't even have to guess what they contained. Deprived of his new toy, the kitten followed me back inside, his bell ringing softly, his bright eyes watching me as I emptied the bags on my bed. I recalled having seen many others like these, scattered around the living room, and supposed he had left those by my door knowing I wouldn't have anything to wear.

Against my will, I put on a trapezoidal dark-blue skirt, too short for my taste, and a white shirt of which I had to cut off the store's tag. On top of it I wore a blue pullover that, unlike mine, always two sizes up, fitted me perfectly, and put on black wool stockings. I grumbled as I noticed that not even my shoes had escaped the purge and was forced to wear the new pair he'd gotten me, with a low heel and a delicate bow on the front.

I looked at myself in the mirror and took a hand to my face in complete despair. I looked like a walking broomstick, I thought. My legs too thin, my knees too bony, no chest to talk about... Angry, I threw the wardrobe's door with so much strength that it closed and opened again. I washed my face and combed my straw-like hair that never looked good, and wished I could just put back my pajamas and return to bed.

The small kitten watched me by the bathroom door and I picked it up taking a deep breath.

"If I start missing school mom will worry," I sighed, mentally preparing myself for the terrible day ahead, and went downstairs, too aware of my new shoes, trying as hard as I could not to fall from my new heels.

I peered into the kitchen before going in and felt relieved when I didn't see him. Placing the kitten on the floor I looked for a bowl that I could use to give him some milk. I noticed last day's dishes, all washed, on the rack. He'd eaten the extra pizza I'd left in the oven and I couldn't help remember how he'd said that eating was interesting.

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