Chapter 48

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Returning back to the mansion, Taehyung walks through the long corridors, making his way towards his room.

He was still feeling off after his meeting with Jimin.

It was like he was developing emotions for the smaller, and that thought alone was horrifying enough.

Needing to put this ugly day behind him, Taehyung shuffles towards his bedroom door.

However, he doesn't get much of a chance to open it since a shadowy figure looms from the darkness.

Taehyung's orbs expand when he sees that it's his mother, surprising him that she was even home.

"Not out slutting it up with your boyfriend?" He distastefully sneers.

Mrs Kim wickedly grins, enjoying how irritated her son seems to get whenever it comes to her stupid choices in life.

"I decided to spare myself a night and return home to see my darling son." She fakes cheerfulness, obviously annoying Taehyung more.

"Cut the bullshit, you couldn't care less about me!" He growls, repulsed that she would even attempt to act like a mom now.

She wasn't always this way. Before, when Taehyung was still young, she was a caring, loving mother.

But then the accident happened.

Mrs Kim scoffs, rolling her eyes in the process. "Don't be stupid, of course I care." She spoke, though it sounded scripted, like she was a robot. Emotionless.

Taehyung glares at the beautiful woman, "did you even care about him?"

The boy was of course talking about his late father, having wondered about this question for a long time now.

Taehyung's mom was quiet, allowing those words to sink in. Her face was still unemotional. Taehyung couldn't tell if she had actually taken what he said to heart or not.

"Why are you talking about him?" Her voice cracks ever so slightly, making Taehyung smirk. "You can't even say his name, how pathetic-"

"-that's enough, Taehyung!" She barks, interrupting her son from continuing.

This only gave all the more power to the boy to press the situation further. "You never once cared for him, huh? You didn't care about my dad!" He yells aloud, his emotions from that night once again coming to play.

Mrs Kim stays silent, she couldn't bring herself to comment on her dead husband.

The young male could feel his eyes beginning to water over, the nightmarish images consuming his mind. He purses his lips, hoping that it would somehow help him contain his tears from spilling. "If he could see you right now! He would be disgusted with you!!"

Taehyung's words were viscous and cold, there was no love left in him. It just seemed like everyone around him kept taking and taking every once he had, till he was merely a weak soul, barely holding onto the tiny trace of love that he had left.

"You play with people's feelings and destroy them," the purple headed male announces to his mother like she wasn't aware of her actions.

"But you know what..." He whispers out, taking a step away from his door to instead stand side by side the heartless woman.

"I guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, huh?" He hisses into his mother's ear, referencing to himself and how he has been treating others of late.

He had turned cruel and unkind, just like his mother.

With that finally being said, Taehyung retracts back, fully staring into his mother's almost identical eyes to his as he opens his bedroom door and enters inside.

Rules Of A Heartbreaker {Taekook}Where stories live. Discover now