Chapter 34

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The flashing lights, booming music and swaying bodies were the only things that Jungkook could see as he downs another shot.

His friends were off dancing on the dance floor while he sat on a bar stool at the bar, drowning his emotions away.

He had been feeling overwhelmed of late, making his stress levels hit the roof. His mind wouldn't stop remembering the other night, how he basically attacked Taehyung and towered over him.

How the younger squirmed underneath him like how he used to when they were together...when they would have sex together.

Jungkook hated to admit it but Taehyung was definitely his best.

He runs a hand through his jet-black hair as he licks his lips, tasting that sour trace of the bitter liquid he had been drinking.

The young teenager could feel a presence at his side as he peers over to see Hoseok sitting there beside him.

"Hey Kook," the elder smiles at the other. Jungkook nods in response, not particularly in the mood to talk right now.

Not till he was at least drunk enough, first.

Hoseok expression morphs from a beaming look to a sudden frown. "When will you realise that you still love Taehyung?"

The ravenette scoffs, rolling his eyes in disinterest.

"I never loved him to begin with," he grumbles, raising a hand towards the bartender, signalling that he wanted another drink.

The bartender nods, fixing the boy a drink while Hoseok exhales, "Kook...don't be like this."

Jungkook smirks, taking the glass from the bartender as he downs it all in one go before giving the man money.

He turns to his friend, "I'm gonna go dance." He mutters without waiting for the older's reply.

Hoseok groans, tugging at his brown locks in annoyance. 'Why is he being so damn difficult!?'

The ebony headed male stumbles towards the dance floor where his friends are. He could feel the alcohol slowly kicking in, something he was glad about since it will eventually consume his body.

Jimin and Yoongi were busy dancing to the beat of the music while Namjoon stood over a little, talking to some blonde haired girl with a sly smile.

"Kook!" Jimin chimes when he notices his best friend coming they're way.

He engulfs the boy into a headlock, giggling uncontrollably from the amount of booze he's already had.

Yoongi was a bit better at holding his drink unlike his friends as he tugs the blondie off of Jungkook. "Ease up Jimin, you're gonna strangle him to death."

Jimin merely giggles as he looks up at his friend. "I just miss him!!" He drunkly yells, followed by a cutely sounding laugh.

Jungkook couldn't help but feel a little bad that he hadn't been spending much time with his best friend.

He had been so preoccupied trying to avoid Taehyung and tear him back down to his original status that he hadn't been spending much time with the bleach headed male.

So for the next hour, he spent it by Jimin's side as they laugh and dance to each song that came on.

It felt good, like things were back to normal.

That was, until Jimin opened his big mouth about a certain lavender haired boy...

"I-is it w-wrong *hic* th-that I wanna k-k-kiss him *hic* ag-again?!" Jimin was beyond drunk by this point as he rocks back and forth on the bar stool that he was currently seated on.

Rules Of A Heartbreaker {Taekook}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora