Graduation Is Coming

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(Jennie's POV)

Morning came and of course Lisa had to sleep over again. It was really sweet of Lisa to buy those things for me last night. My mind can't even function properly every time I remember when I opened the door and it revealed a Lisa holding those bouquet of daisies and a paper bag of Papa Joe's.

Months had passed and graduation is coming at us like super fast. A week from now will be our graduation day, I know, that fast right? We've already practiced the ceremony and everything. I can't believe that, in a week, a WEEK! We'll be graduating! We'll be off to college.

College. New chapter of my life. Oh right, by the way, Lisa and I? Well, we'll be going to the same college. College of Medicine. Yup! Future doctors coming your way! I hope. Plus we'll be sharing a dorm together! Kekeke!

While Rosé and Jisoo will both be attending performing arts. It's actually like 3 blocks away from the college of medicine. So, I guess we'll still be seeing each other more frequently, which is a real good thing!

"Hey babe! Watcha thinking?" Lisa asked cutting off my thoughts.

She sat down beside me and started eating her food. Today is Monday and It's now our lunch time.

"Oh nothing, just thinking about what possibilities might happen in our college lives!" I said.

"Hmm... I'm excited and nervous at the same time, actually." Lisa said still munching on her food.

"Me too, Omg!" I replied while putting my hands on my chin.

"Hey! Don't worry babe, i'll be there with you through the step of the way!" Lisa said while pinching the right side of my cheek.

I just smiled at her and gave a quick peck on the cheek.

"Oookaaayyyy, you two love birds just couldn't get your hands to yourself huh?" Rosé said while plopping down on one of the seats in front of us.

"Hey! Could you please stop teasing the kids! You do this all the time, Chipmunkie!" Jisoo said while sitting beside Rosé.

These friends of us, Aish!

"But seriously, you two, you gotta at least try to not do PDA in college." Jisoo added.

"Oh come on! Really, you too Jisoo unnie?" I said while giggling.

"Look what you've done Chaeng! You've influenced Jisoo unnie too!" Lisa added.

"What? We're just concerned about the people who are around you!" Rosé said while stuffing pasta on her mouth.

"Chaeng's right!" Jisoo said while chuckling.

"Mmkay fine! We'll try." I replied with a smile.

"I'll try my very best!" Lisa said while looking at me with a smirk.

"Fuck it! I know you guys can't!" Rosé said while laughing. I couldn't help but join in. Her laughter is just so contagious. Lisa and Jisoo joined in after. Now we were all crazy idiots, laughing our hearts out.

I'll definitely miss our nonsense conversations and crazy laughter when we're off to college. I know, we'll still see each other in college but you know, it's not the same as high school, of course.

Suddenly someone approached us cutting off our laughter.

"Hey! What you guys laughing about?" Mina asked. Oh great, she's here! -_-

"I just wanted to invite you guys that this Friday, there will be a party at my house! Graduation Party! So yeah, hope you guys could come!" Mina added.

Suddenly the bell rang cutting off Mina.

"Mmkay! I'll see you guys later! I better see your asses at the party! Bye!" Mina said while walking away from us.

"Ohhh, we're definitely going!" Rosé said.

"YAASS!" Lisa said excitedly.

I glared at her and she noticed.

"O-Or not." Lisa added with a pout.

That pout of hers, my God! How could you resist that! Damn it! I rolled my eyes, she knows I can't resist that.

"Fine! I guess we could g-"

"YAASSS!!!" Lisa said cutting me off.

"I love youuuu!!!" Lisa added while hugging me ever so tightly.

"Mmm.. yeah yeah! Whatevs!" I said with a huff.

"Eh? Is my baby mad?" Lisa asked.

"I'm not." I replied. I definitely am!

I got up quickly and bid my goodbye to Rosé and Jisoo.

Lisa, on the other hand, chased me after.

"Hey hey! Wait a minute!" Lisa said while grabbing my hand.

"What?" I hissed.

"We don't have to go babe!" Lisa said while caressing my hand.

"It's fine! We can go! I just... Just don't flirt with anyone on that party, okay? Or I swear to God Li-"

She suddenly cut me off by kissing me so aggressively. Ohmygod!

A soft moan escaped my lips.

"Wanna ditch the third period?" Lisa asked.

Who wouldn't say no?

I didn't even had the chance to answer, I was pulled into the parking lot to my car.

We ended up going to my house and watching movies and eventually we didn't went back to school and just stayed at home, cuddling.


NEW UPDATE OMG!!!! The next chapter will be the last soooo.... comment down if you want a sequel of this!


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