Frustrated and Flustered

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(Lisa's POV)

I was smirking at the crowd. I glanced at my side again and noticed that Jennie is a bit frustrated, why is she frustrated? Hmm...

"Why are you looking so stressed?" I asked her. Classes haven't even started yet, what is wrong with her?

"Oh.. erm... oh nothing i was just thinking of something." She said, what could she be thinking? Now i'm the one who's getting stressed.

We reached our classroom after minutes of walking. This is out first subject, and its algebra. Ugh, I hate math! I huffed in annoyance when we sat down.

Jennie is seated right beside me by the way. Our teacher came and she began with the lecture. I couldn't really focus on the discussion because I was secretly glancing at Jennie on my right with my peripheral view. I couldn't help it, now I know why all of the students here says that she is the most beautiful girl here in our campus. Why haven't I noticed her before? Well, maybe because my attention was with Jisoo these past few years.

First glance, I saw her eyes, those feline sexy eyes.

Second glance, I saw her cheeks, those fluffy cheeks, how I wish I could pinch them.

Third glance, I saw her lips, ohmygod, those kissable lips. What is happening to me? My hormones are acting up again. Oh and did I mention my heart is beating franticly right now.

I was busy being frustrated and at the same time flustered when Jennie spoke...

"Hey! Are you okay? You seem a bit stressed? Is it because of our topic? Do you want me to teach you later after class? I don't mind." She said with a cheeky smile. Ohmygod that smile.

"Oh... uhm... yes yeah it's because of the topic, and that would be awesome! I couldn't quite get the x and the y's" I said and its the truth, I wasn't lying that I didn't get any of the things that our teacher was discussing. I seriously hate math. Thankfully, Jennie is here to teach me. I felt excited since I get to spend more time with Jennie later. Kekeke

Seconds and minutes turned into hours. 2 subjects had passed. The bell rang, that means its break time! It's our lunch time now. Jennie and I were walking side by side heading to the cafeteria when suddenly a girl approached me.

"Hey Lisa! Wanna come to my party this friday?" Mina said seductively. She was flirting with me. I was about to flirt back when suddenly I was pulled by Jennie. Jennie is holding my hand right now, ohmygod, she's holding my hand right now! What the hell! My heart! Why is it beating so loudly?

I shouted to Mina. "Sure! Just text me the time and place! Bye!" I almost forgot to reply.

I was taken aback by Jennie. What is she doing to me? I looked at my hand and she was still holding it! Why Jennie, why?

"Oh... erm.. i'm sorry..." Jennie said and quickly lets go of my hand. I didn't want her to let go though.

"Uhm... I pulled you because, we wouldn't want our friends to keep waiting." She said and she quickly averted her eyes to me. She's so cute acting all shy.

"Look! There they are! Jisoo unnie!!! Heyyy!!!" She said and ran towards Jisoo.


(Jennie's POV)

I left her there and went to Jisoo unnie. I was so embarrassed, ugh, I think she noticed that I blushed. I hate that Mina girl, why does she have to talk to Lisa so seductively. I know that Mina girl was flirting with my Lisa, oopss, I sound so possessive! What the hell, what is happening to me? Is this jealousy I feel? Why would I feel jealous? I'm much more prettier than that Mina girl! I huffed in annoyance.

"Jisoo unnie! C'mon let's grab something to eat!" I said and she smiled.

"What happened? Why is your face like that?" Jisoo replied.

"What? Why? What's wrong with my face?" I asked.

"You look like someone stole your special someone!" Jisoo unnie said that got my eyes widen. What did she just say? Special someone? Stole?

"What are you talking about Chichu!? Hahahaha I do not!" I said awkwardly that I hope she didn't notice.

"Yeah you do. You look like a jealous girlfriend! What exactly happened?" Jisoo said with a grin. Why was she grinning? What the hell!

"Stop that!" I said and pointed at her lips that was forming a grin.

"Let's just eat!" I said in annoyance.

I quickly went to the line to get food. Jisoo followed me immediately.

"You have to tell me what happened!!!" Jisoo said behind me. What do you expect me to tell her? That I was crushing over Lisa? Wouldn't she get mad? There's also this thing we call a girl code. Ugh, i'm so stressed. I know I have to tell her eventually.

"I'll tell you some other time, when i'm really sure about my feelings." I said very calmly.

"Oh sure Jendeukie. Whenever you're ready. I'm just here!" Jisoo said. That got me relaxed, she is my best friend after all.

Jisoo and I sat down on one of the tables here in the cafeteria and began munching on our food. Suddenly someone sat beside me. It was Lisa! I choked on my salad, ohmygod this is so embarrassing! To my surprise, she quickly gave me water. My goodness, why are you being like this Lisa!?

"Be careful!" She said with a worried tone. My heart is beating franticly right now! Her worried voice is driving me insane!

"Yah! Jenduekie! Are you okay?" Jisoo said also with a worried tone. This is so embarrasing.

"Oh.. erm.. yeah of course, i'm fine. The salad is just sooo... good! You guys should try it too!" I said and started to eat again to let them forget that I choked. Hahaha i'm so clumsy, ugh such a turn off! I hate myself!



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CHAPTER 2 IS DONEEEEE HIHI. Hope you guys like it!!!!



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