He knows he can't afford the kind of dream wedding Toun wanted or the kind that her parents would have given to her and he also proposed in the most awful way. He felt ashamed of himself. He felt useless. And somehow, he believed her parents might be right. He wasn't worth her or her love. She was too good for him. He can't give her what her man should. And the feeling hurt. Even if he never admit to anyone, he knew he was hurting. It was so damn painful. But he had to act strong and be a man for the women in his life.

He wiped away the tears on his face and sniffed. Then he stood up, went to the bathroom and wash his face with water. He doesn't want anyone knowing that he was crying.

Then he went over to the sitting room. His mother was sitting in the living room on an old sofa with her wheelchair beside her. She was watching news on the Television when he walked in and he went to sit beside her.

"Oko mi, is anything the problem?" She asked him when he sat down beside her on the old sofa.

"I'm fine momma." He said to her. She didn't believe him but there was no point arguing with her son. He was going through a lot and she understands that and she doesn't want to pester him too much. "Mommy, I have something to tell you."

The woman looked at him for a short while before nodding, asking him to go ahead.

"We are getting married Mommy." Nathaniel announced to his mother. He had made the decision and he wasn't backing out any longer. And the first person he need to tell was his mother.

"Getting married? To Toun?" Mrs Allyson, Nathaniel mother asked. He nodded in reply. "Does her parents agree to this or know about it?"

Nathaniel bowed his head, frustrated. Sometimes his mother have a way of hurting him without knowing. She knew more than anyone that they might never accept him but here she was asking him the question he dreaded.

"No." He answered flatly.

"No? And you want me to accept? What kind of marriage will that be? And you don't have a job yet. Didn't you said you aren't getting married until you get a job?"

"I know mom. I KNOW." He wailed. He was foaming with anger and pain. "You don't have to keep reminding me about it. I know. But I am tired. I'm tired of waiting. What if I lose Toun? What if she decides to change her mind because I am not ready to marry her? What if she gets a better man who is ready to marry her? Right now she want to get married and I am giving her that. And also because I love her. I'm tired of everything. Do you think that I am happy to know that I am marrying her without her parents blessing. Do you think I am glad with my current condition or the fact that I can't even take responsibility of my own family? What kind of man does that make me? The man that her parents have always been right about. Useless. Worthless and a nobody. DO YOU THINK I LIKE THAT MOMMY?" He yelled at his mother, clenching his fist, hurting himself in the process.

Then he stood up and walked away to the dinning. He dragged a seat from the front of the dinning table and he sat on it. Then cover his face with his hands as he poured out his heart. He wished they all know what was on his mind. The kind of battle he have to deal with emotionally.

Mrs Allyson stared at her son for a while. He was just like his father in many ways. Too emotional and he get hurt too quickly.

She didn't mean to offend him with her question. She just wanted to make sure he was sure about his decision. Nathaniel was the kind of person that always stick to his words but now he was going against it. She should have understand what that meant to him. She might never admit it, she knew his condition was less of his problem. He was suffering more emotionally than physically and there was little she could do to help except to give him hope. But he was already losing that hope. She shouldn't have tried to question him. Right now, he needs someone and something that would assure him and make him keep hoping not someone doubting him like she was doing.

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