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Four years, three months, and one week later.

The Philippines. Zele Avenue Hotel, Manila, Zele Convention Hall. The first week of October, Saturday, 8:58 pm.

A party being hosted by a rich congressman, to celebrate his birthday and achievements in life.

Respectable and honorable persons are gathered to have a toast with him. It was an awesome evening for all of them, but no one expected that some infamous unknown people would show up.

It was started when the grand piano was played on its first key.

Everyone looked where the sound came from. They saw a woman in a fashionable black dress with a white hat. She was wearing big black sunglasses that were not an ordinary sight, for there was no sunlight to cover its uses.

She started to play, the Etude 13. Everyone struck for a moment, for she fabulously moved her fingers and produced a soul-searching melody.

She played like there was no one watching.

After a few movements of the clock fingers, someone recognizes the uninvited woman.

"B-black diamond!" And then shouted. Many pairs of eyes become bigger, composure forgotten, and everyone's attentions turn to the noise.

Another woman in black is sighted in front of the displayed black diamond at the center of the hall. No one noticed this other appearance until someone shouted.

Bodyguards speedily protect their employers. Others pulled out their weapons and pointed them to the second infamous woman.

The music is still playing in their ears. Some made their way out, but the doors were closed.

"Stop it!" Shouted by the chief bodyguard of the congressman to the woman in the middle.


Another shout was heard. It came from the congressman itself, standing at the corner and cannot move because of the presence of the third woman. He is cornered by a gun pointed at his forehead.

Everyone did not move. Except for the woman in front of the piano. Even breathing cannot tell how to do it. But the blood in their veins moves quickly as the hearts pump very hard.

The fourth person appeared, not a woman but a tall man. Also wearing a gorgeous black suit and a silver mask covering half of the face. He is like, attending a Masquerade Party. He walked fearlessly in the middle of them and stood beside the second woman.

For those who knew them, they were not just ordinary gatecrashers or contenders. No one dared to pull their triggers because they felt the intimidating moments that starting a move was a foolish thing to do and maybe could cause the death of innocent blood.

"Waste of time," the second woman said.

"A fake diamond," the man said.

"This isn't what we expected."

They are having their conversation like they ordinarily do for an ordinary day.

The music suddenly stops. "Then, let's go. I have a lot of appointments to make," the first woman said, who left the piano and gracefully walked towards them.

They stopped when a brave visitor known for his work as a journalist raised his question, "W-who are you people? Why getting the black diamond--" he stopped right then when he received the unseen movement from behind. He falls unconsciously on the floor. It was a fast movement done by the fifth person, also a woman in black.

"Let's go," she said.

Except for the third one with the congressman, together they move towards the back door.

BOOK 1 - EYES OF UNKNOWNWhere stories live. Discover now