"Don't hold back." Claudia sniggers looking amused.

"Uhm no?" I frown at Sam who was looking at me in concern.

"It's just what if that's all he wants?" Sam asks and have to mentally count to ten before answering her but Claudia beats me to it.

"To be fair Sam, if Calum just wanted Genie for sex then he wouldn't he be gone by now?"

"Who knows what he's playing at." Sam mumbles.

"He's not playing at anything."

"I just don't get why you didn't wait longer. Andrew and I waited a whole year." Sam says and my mouth drops open.

"Sam you met Andrew when you were freaking sixteen!" I say raising my voice.

"I know but-" Sam starts but Claudia cuts her off.

"Jesus Sam lay off. It's her vagina not yours." Claudia says bluntly. "I say props for her waiting as long as she did, Calum and her obviously had chemistry before hand."

"Okay. Fine." Sam huffs. I shoot Claudia a thankful smile. What would I do without her?

We sit in awkward silence which is only broken by my phone ringing. "I'm gonna take this." I tell the girls before standing from my chair and walking inside.

"Ari where are you?!" I ask after answering. It was surprising that she wasn't here yet.

"I don't think I'm gonna make it." Aria says sounding really...upset?

"Oh. Is everything okay?" I ask.

"No I think I picked up a stomach bug, I've been up vomiting most the night."

"Oh no. Do you want me to bring you anything?"

"No it's okay, just tell everyone I'm sorry I couldn't make it."

"They'll understand don't worry." I tell her.

"I'm gonna try and sleep this off but I'll talk to you later."

"Okay, I hope you feel better. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Alright bye girl." Aria mutters sounding absolutely exhausted.

"Bye Ari." I say before hanging up. Hopefully it was just a 24 hour bug that she had, poor Aria.

"What are you doing?" Calum's voice booms making me jump.

"God you have me a fright."

"Sorry." Calum chuckles coming and standing in front of me. "Who was on the phone?"

"Aria, she's sick and isn't coming." I tell him and he frowns.

"Oh that sucks."

"Yeah." I sigh before giving Calum a small smile.

"Are you okay?" Calum asks looking concerned. He had been asking me that ever since my mini breakdown? I guess you could call it that.

"Calum." I smile at him as I place my hands on his shoulders. "I'm honestly fine so can you stop asking?"

"Alright." Calum nods grabbing my hands. "Come on foods ready."

We go back outside to join the others who were eagerly filling their plates. Honestly I wasn't that hungry so I grab a couple of spoonfuls of potato salad then sit down.

"Seriously?" Calum looks down at my plate unimpressed.

"I'm not hungry."

"Genie I've been with you all the whole day and all you've eaten is that stupid cereal." Calum says and I honestly feel like I'm being told off by my father.

"Exactly. It's not like I haven't eaten today."

"At least have some steak." Calum bargains and I groan. I was perfectly happy with my potato salad.

"I think she wants your meat Calum." Michael smirks.

"Oh my god." Calum shakes his head at Michael. "Shut up."

"He's not wrong." I smirk at Calum who swallows hard.

"Just eat this." Calum commands taking a piece of steak from his plate and putting it on mine.

"Fine." I sigh, there was no point in fighting him on this.


"Michael you've seen it so many times!" Ashton groans in annoyance. Michael wanted to watch the Hangover yet again.

"It's so good though!" Michael says excitedly. "And since it's my house I get first movie pick."

"That seems oddly fair." Claudia laughs.

"Hangover it is." Luke shrugs.

"Genieee come here." Calum whines. I was literally sitting right next to him but that clearly wasn't close enough.

"No. I wanna cuddle with Luke." I huff before scooting close to Luke who was sitting next to me.

"Yus!" Luke grins playfully wrapping his arms around me.

"Hilarious." Calum says bluntly. I roll my eyes at him as Luke instantly removes his arms. I scoot back over to Calum who has his arms folded across his chest and an annoyed expression on his face.

"Don't be grumpy." I say to him quietly. Everyone one else's attention was turned to the tv screen now but still.

"I'm not." Calum grumbles. I think somebody was a little jealous.


"What?" He snaps. Grumpy and jealous?

"Be nice." I whisper pressing a kiss to his jawline. " Can we cuddle now?"

"Go cuddle with Luke."

"Seriously?" I roll my eyes and let out a sigh before turning my attention to the movie.

Once the movie was over I excused myself to go to the bathroom as the bickering of what movie we should watch next starts.

I'm just washing my hands when the bathroom door swings open and Calum comes barging in. He walks straight up to me and cups my cheeks before crashing his lips against mine roughly.

I'm the one who breaks the kiss a few minutes later. "As much as I love this I don't really want to get down and dirty in Michael's bathroom."

"Hmm." Calum nods in agreement. "So what was that out there?"

"With Luke? Seriously Calum it was a joke."

"I didn't find it funny."

"Clearly." I say rolling my eyes. "It's Luke Cal."

"I know but...."

"But what?" I frown at him.

"You're mine." Calum mumbles making me smile. His mouth moves to my neck and he leaves a lingering kiss on my sweet spot.

"We should go join the others...they might think that we're actually getting it on in here." I lightly laugh.

"Yeah you're probably right." Calum brings his face back up to mine and he smiles at me before kissing my lips softly.

Calum's P.O.V Next chapter?

The Boyfriend Project. C.H. (A.U.) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now