Ch 55: Captured!

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(Preston's POV)

I watched as the Phoenix told Rob about my plan to change everything, 'This will cause problems for me and my plan.' I thought as Rob disappeared glaring at the phoenix I saw fear run through him and I could tell that Mitch could see what was happening.

"Hope you're enjoying seeing what I can do." I whispered knowing that Mitch could hear me but not the phoenix, "You trying to stop me just like my ancestor?" I taunted taking a step forwards I could see that the phoenix was frightened of me.

"I can tell where you are and who you are meeting with Phoenix, so you might just want to stay loyal or you'll end up like Das." I said with anger and hate while I glared at it.

"Preston! You don't understand! You're going to get yourself killed if you follow this plan!" The phoenix said fear clear in it's eyes, "I don't care about me, I care about them, I made that wish for them and what do you do! You bring me and Leon back along with them!" I said not taking my harsh glare of the phoenix.

I could tell that the phoenix was starting to back away from me, "I will win against Leon weather I have the mythical beasts with me or not!" I said turning my back on the phoenix, "This is your last warning phoenix, betray me one more time and I won't have mercy." I said walking off.

Soon I walked through a thick fog and was back in the forest, sighing I looked around to see that I was near the cliffs, turning to my right I followed a small path towards the cliffs looking around I saw the hidden path up the cliff that lead to a cave.

Walking up it something seemed wrong there were scratch marks on the pathway, and it looked like a wolf was in trouble, in a bit after seeing multiple marks I was sprinting up the pathway and when I stopped I looked into the small cave to see that Lyric and Stampy were not there and multiple of the stalagmites were broken along with stalactites.

Walking through the cave the feeling of unease was clear looking around I saw no one not even a single clue of where they went except for a paper note, picking it up I could tell that it was Leon's writing.

"Bow down to the true king or face the lost of Stampy and Lyric" It said I could only stare down at it as I realized that Leon had taken Stampy and Lyric, I could feel tears threatening to fall, 'Leon had taken the last two that believed in me.' I thought as I felt broken and angry.

Glaring at the note I crunched it up in my hand and let it drop to the ground, walking away I left the note on the ground and walked out of the cave 'You won't get away with this Leon.'

(Lyric's POV)

I woke up in a large cage, I could hear the growling of Stampy, lifting my head my vision was blurry but I could tell that someone was in front of the cage and Stampy was in front of me with his fur up and was hissing and growling at the person.

Shaking my head my vision cleared and I could tell that it was Leon he was drawing something, 'I wonder what he's drawing.' I thought as I looked at Leon, suddenly a sandy brown wolf with darker paws and white ears walked into the room.

"Dad, we didn't get the other five I'm sorry." The wolf said with his head down, ears were back, and his tail was in between his legs, "You failed me really!" Leon said getting up and setting the book he was drawing in aside.

"We tried but something blocked us! I promise!" The wolf said backing up away from Leon, "Do I really need to punish you?" Leon challenged while he walked towards the wolf that kept walking backwards.

Suddenly two wolves jumped out through the doors growling one was a silver with white stripes and the other was a dark reddish brown color with lighter fur on it's paws that went half way up it's legs.

The dark reddish brown one had darker ears, jaw, and had a large dark spot on it's back, it's tail had a white stripe on it with a black tail tip, "Stop! Don't hurt him!" The dark reddish brown one said his teeth bared.

"Sylvester back down." Leon said to the dark reddish brown wolf "But he did nothing wrong! We lead the group and we gave up when we got caught in dense bushes why shouldn't we take blame!" the white one said.

"Because you know how to lead Zeno doesn't he's a runt and that's all he'll ever be!" Leon said walking out I saw Sylvester and the other wolf look as the wolf that was a bit smaller than them, "He doesn't mean it Zeno, he doesn't know what he's talking about." the white one said comfortingly.

"Stampy are you seeing this?" I asked Stampy who was pressed up against my side, "Yeah." Stampy said pressing himself closer to me, "So what's your name?" A voice said from the front of the cage.

Turning my attention toward the front of the cage I saw that Sylvester was looking at me with Zeno next to him while the other wolf was on the other side of the room, "Why should I tell you." I growled pressing my back against the bars of the cage.

"W-we don't mean harm to you!" Zeno said quietly, "Still can't the cat get out of this cage?" Sylvester asked looking at Stampy who had his fur raised and his back arched while his claws were out.

"Okay sorry!" Sylvester said quickly standing up, "I'm Zeno!" Zeno said happily while his ears were perked up, I looked at Sylvester the other wolf and Stampy, "I'm Ace." The other wolf said in more like a growl while walking up to the cage.

"Ace be nice!" Zeno whined turning his head to Ace, "Yeah Ace be nice." Sylvester taunted while Ace walked right up to the cage. "Tell now, what's your name?" Ace demanded, "I don't have to answer to you." I growled standing up and glared at Ace.

I saw fear in Zeno eyes as he saw that I was bigger than him but still smaller than Sylvester and Ace, "Is every wolf bigger than me?!" Zeno asked crouching down with his ears back, "Zeno you're still a pup remember?" Sylvester said happily.

"I still don't trust you." Stampy said his fur still standing up on his back, rolling my eyes I turned my back and flopped down, I could see a window looking at it I felt the feeling of longing, the longing to run free, and the longing to be back under the protection of Preston.

"I hope Preston is okay." I said quietly while Stampy curled up next to me, "Night Stampy." I said quietly to him, "Night Lyric." Stampy said quietly to where only I could hear.

Metal Tree Trunks and Wooden Machine Guns!

The Pack of Heroes :RevivalHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin