Ch 31: The History?

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(Vikk's POV)

As we look though several books none of them had the information we needed, "This is impossible!" Lachlan said leaning back in his chair and put the book on the table, "We won't get anything done if you keep that up!" I said looking away from the book I was looking through.

"Fine, but do you think that we're looking though the wrong section?" Lachlan asked, "Lachlan we been looking though all the sections in the library." I said flatly looking at Lachlan who was still leaning back in his chair.

Getting up I walked over to the history section to see a blue and red book and a yellow book both had silver writing saying "The Pack of Heroes History" Looking at it I grabbed both of the books but neither of them had anything that said that they belonged to the library.

"Lachlan." I said walking over to him with the two books, "What's up?" Lachlan asked looking at me, "Look through this these are two different colors but they are the same book, I want to see if they have the same writing." I said giving him the yellow book.

Sitting down I opened the book up to a random page to see that it was a red color going into orange and then yellow, at the top of the page read "The Son of Fires" I felt my breath stop as I read the title over and over.

Looking down towards all the writing on the page I saw multiple things, facts, powers, and even a picture, "Lachlan..." I said but he was already looking over my shoulder, "Isn't that Preston...fighting Leon." Lachlan said slowly but with a bit of fear in his voice.

Looking at the beginning I saw that it was a long paragraph starting with "The son of fires was dangerous beyond knowledge, he could speak with ghosts, go through portals to different areas, and he was said to be a kushtaka."

I almost froze at the word kushtaka, "Isn't a Kushtaka a mythical creature?" Lachlan asked looking at the word "That would explain how he was able to shapeshift into anything." I said with a bit of fear.

Suddenly Mitch walked through the doors of the Library and was walking towards us, "What's ya reading there?" Mitch asked once he reached us, "Don't know how to explain it but it's creepy." I said turning the book around so that Mitch could read it.

I saw his eyes reveal fear in them, "how cameras weren't even invented back then!" Mitch said taking a step back, "That's what I was thinking!" I said turning the book back around, "Do you really not know what these books are?" Leon's voice said from behind us.

Jumping out of my chair I turn around to see that Leon was standing there with a book that looked like ours except it was a dark brown red with golden writing, "What are you doing here Leon!" I said defensively even though I was still a bit scared.

"Trying to study until I heard you guys talking over here." Leon said flatly not even moving a muscle from where he stood, "Anyways these books are about us and our battles, but I have to say it is still pretty scary." Leon mentioned right before turning around and walked off.

'Probably with a smirk.' I thought as I watched him walk off turning to my book I grabbed and and looked over to the history section to another copy of the book pop up out of nowhere it was pure black except for a couple of white star like dots on it.

"Mitch go see what the pure black book on the history shelf is." I said pointing to the book, I watched Mitch go pick it up and saw that it had white writing instead of silver or golden, "Lets just get out of here before anything else happens." I said as Lachlan grabbed his book.

Heading towards the door I saw Ethan talking to Leon, but he didn't look like he liked Leon that much, "How is Preston?" I asked looking away from Leon and Ethan, "He woke up, but I think he's hiding more than he should be." Mitch said not looking back at us.

"What do you mean by that?" Lachlan asked curious, "Connor said he jumped out of the bushes with a silver sword in his hand to save him, and Rob said neither him or Ethan knew how they got there with him." Mitch said with no emotion.

"Weird." I said as we walked towards the shops, the wind was howling in the darkness of the night but it was still cold, "Kind of wished that we didn't have school!" I said looking around at the buildings, "Then it's a good thing that tomorrow is the weekend." Mitch said looking back at us.

"Yep!" Lachlan said happily, "So what do you two plan on doing tomorrow?" Mitch asked  "Don't know, probably gonna hang out at the park or something." Lachlan said sticking his hands into his hoodie pocket.

"What about you?" Lachlan asked as I was looking into the darkness of an ally way to see something moving there, it was Lyric, she was laying there panting like she had just ran a mile "Lyric!" I yelled running towards her not caring if the other two were surprised.

Once I got to here I saw that she had a large bite mark on her right hind leg, "Are you okay?" I asked checking her wound, "Yes, but Connor is still in the forest fighting Das, Phobus, and Azazel as wolves!" Lyric whined in pain as I touched her right hind leg.

I looked at Mitch and Lachlan who were behind me only to see them nod before Mitch got out his phone and called someone, "Is she okay?" Lachlan asked crouching down to help me with Lyric, "She will be if you get me a first aid kit!" I said pulling out a cloth and wrapped her hind leg the best I could with it to stop the bleeding.

"Get here right now, and try and get the others here as well." Mitch said to whoever was on the phone with him, suddenly Rob and Preston burst out from the front door and ran towards us, Preston looked like he was gonna kill someone and Rob looked worried.

"Where?" Preston asked to Lyric who looked up at him and then looked towards the forest, "Near the lake Connor told me to run!" Lyric explained quickly and just like that Preston was off with a silver sword in his hand....'How did he get that?'

Metal Tree Trunks and Wooden Machine Guns!

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