Ch 18: Caged?!

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(Jerome's POV)

As I sat in my cage that hung above the floor I heard doors slam open, looking down I saw Leon carry someone in, "Is that Preston!" Andi whispered to me as we looked down, I shot a glance towards Matt and Pete who cages were next to each others.

Suddenly as a new cage was being pulled up it was farther away from us, looking towards it I saw Preston laying down 'probably been knocked out' I thought as I looked at Preston as he didn't move a muscle but his sides were rising and falling gently.

Sitting back down I looked at Andi who looked worried for Preston, "He's okay, just knocked out." I said calmly trying to keep myself calm while my thoughts raced at what Leon was trying to do.

"What do you think he might be planning to do with us?" Matt asked fear clear in his voice, "Nothing, we'll get out of here before that." Pete said comforting but fear was clear in his voice, "Face it, we won't get out of here before that Leon will capture everyone else and will continue with his plan." Andi said sadly while looking towards one of the walls.

"No he won't, I won't let him, have hope Andi!" I said getting up and looked at her but she looked away and turned her back to us, suddenly the doors swung open and five people walked in carrying five people who were also knocked out.

I looked closely to see that they were Lachlan, Connor, Rob, Mitch, and Vikk, "See told ya." Andi said her voice laced with sadness and guilt. I watched as the cages were hoisted up and I quickly checked them for injuries but Connor was the only one with an injury.

'He must have been fighting to save the others' I thought as I looked over him injury only to see that it wasn't severe, sighing I heard someone arouse, looking over I saw that it was Rob who had woken up.

"Where am I?" Rob asked looking around before realizing that he was in a cage, "Rob do not freak out okay, but we are in cages and we don't know why." I said trying to sound calm but was failing terribly.

"What!" Rob said, I could tell that the others were waking up from Rob being afraid, "Uh where's Lyric?" Pete asked quietly, "She ran." Connor said holding his side where his injury was, just then a person walked in and had a wolf over their shoulder.

I saw Connor press up against his cage and look at the wolf, "Lyric." Connor said his voice filled fear and worry, We all watched as the guy put Lyric into a dog cage, I watched the cage as it was hoisted up right into the middle of us.

Suddenly the doors swung open and Leon walked in a smirk on his face as he walked towards us, "Why have you brought us here!" Rob yelled his voice filled with anger, "One reason, but before I tell you that why don't you look behind you Rob." Leon said smirking evilly.

I saw Rob look behind him and gasp, "So now that that is out of the way, Preston will agree whether he likes it or not." Leon said looking straight at me, I heard movement behind me, looking back I saw that Preston was waking up.

"Good now that he's waking up I might leave you all here for a bit, I have some friends I have to meet." Leon said turning around and walked away from us, leaning back against my cage I felt my anger rise but I kept calm.

"Preston." Rob said and I knew that Preston was fully awake, "What the-" Preston said cutting off, turning around I looked at Preston to see that he was looking around realization clear on his face, 'why does this place seem familiar to him?' I thought as I watch him look around.

I saw him get up look around this time fear was clear in his actions, "Are you okay?" Mitch asked worried, but then Connor seemed to be frightened as well, "No I can't be back here!" Preston said out loud fear was in his voice but it was clear that Preston knew this place well.

"Oh no, not this place again!" Vikk said with his back pressed up against his cage, "I'm confused, what's going on." Mitch asked looking at Vikk and Connor, "This place is where-" Connor said right before being cut off by the doors slamming open.

"Ah so everyone is awake now." Deserae said laughing evilly right after saying that, "Deserae." Preston said his voice venomous with hate, I watched as Deserae passed us and walked straight towards Preston.

"We all may not know how this all happened but atleast, You, Connor, Vikk, Leon and I know how this all started Preston." Deserae said his voice carried evil with it. I was shocked that Preston wasn't saying anything but watching Deserae walk around him.

"Oh so finally you have no words for anything going on." Deserae said I could tell that Vikk, and Connor were holding their breaths as Preston was glaring at Deserae, "Why should I, You seem to want to go on." Preston said his voice still venomous.

I felt uneasy as Deserae kept walking around Preston, but Preston didn't do anything about it but watch him, "Deserae stop teasing the prisoner and get to the point." Leon's voice sounded behind me.

I looked back to see that Leon was watching this all happen, "So Preston anything you want to say to anyone here?" Deserae asked triumphantly, "Yeah Why?" Preston said more like a command than a question, "Well you can either agree or disagree your actions have consequences." Leon said sounding tired.

"What do you mean by that?" Preston asked confused, "Well you should already know the question if no then I could easily erase one of your friends." Leon said smirking as Preston looked afraid but he looked down.

"I'd rather fight for that answer!" Preston challenged but Leon only smirked, "Powers are allowed-"

Metal Tree Trunks and Wooden Machine Guns!

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