Ch 9: The Nightmare!

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(Preston's POV)

As I looked out my window I saw the stars twinkling in the night sky, but something was bugging me like something was wrong, I looked around my room to make sure nothing was off yet even when I had checked I didn't feel any better.

Sighing I laid down and covered up and waited for sleep to take over, which happened quickly and before I knew it I was out cold.


As I stood on a hill I watched the sky turn from sky blue to a dark red, 'danger' I thought as the same feeling that I was feeling in my room I started feeling now, I looked around to see nothing except for the exact same place where the battle between me and Leon happened.

'What am I doing here.' I thought looking down at the clearing to see that there were no marks of a battle happening there, suddenly a dark grey fog washed over the land, I tried to see what was around me, but I could only hear footsteps running across the ground.

I looked around frantically trying to see what or who was making the footsteps, until I was hit to the ground from someone running by, I looked to where they ran but I couldn't see a few inches in front of me from the thick grey fog.

Suddenly I saw a blue light heading towards me quickly, rolling to the left I managed to dodge the thing by an inch right as it went right past me, getting up I felt my powers surge as I saw a shadow in the fog run by.

Raising my hand above my head quickly I saw a wave of fire go out around me causing grass to singe, leaves on the ground caught fire, trees had burnt bark, and the fog disappeared. I looked around to see Deserae standing in front of me with a smirk on his face.

I felt uneasy as the fog quickly came back blocking Deserae from my view, I looked around only to hear more footsteps running around me, suddenly I saw a shadow in front of me, it wasn't until a second when I realized that the shadow was trying to hit me, so I dodged down.

Backing up I kept dodging their hits by going right or left, soon I dodged down and ran behind the shadow and drove my fist forwards so that I could have a bit of safety, only to hear a grunt, a familiar grunt from someone I knew in the pack 'Rob.' I thought as I realized who it was.

I quickly backed up only to have a sword hit my back causing me to fall to the ground, I looked up only to see that I was on a cliff with the pack standing in front of me, I looked into their eyes only to see anger, regret, hatred, and betrayal.

I started backing up as they got nearer and nearer, until I felt my foot land on the cliff edge, looking back I saw a ocean underneath me splashing against the rocks that were down there, I was frightened now two of the things that scared me were happening.

I looked back to see Lyric lying on the ground with a dark red liquid pool around her, not only that but I could now see that Leon was standing with his back to me while looking back, I looked towards Andi who didn't have her green and black plaid jacket on.

Suddenly Connor leaped forwards making me step backwards and fall off the cliff, by instinct I managed to grab a hold of a rock and look up as the pack were looking down at me, 'I'm in their shadow now.' I thought I looked past them and towards the sky which I saw a mountain lion standing there looking down at me in disappointment.

(Dream/Nightmare over)

As I lost my grip on the rock I woke up quickly sitting up quickly in my bed I looked around confused for a moment yet I understood that that was a dream, "That was only a dream, nothing else." I said trying to convince myself.

I waited for some time before getting out of bed and getting ready for the day, grabbing my phone and putted in into my pocket I checked my room for everything that I would need, I quickly found my brown leather wallet, my room key, and my little wolves.

I got out of my room and went down stairs knowing that there were no security on campus, as I walked out of the building I took a deep breath, and the feeling of unease came back but this time I felt like there was danger around.

Looking around I saw nothing but I could tell that something was following me, I started walking towards the stores which were nearby, as I walked I could hear a second set of foot steps walking along with my foot steps.

I suddenly stopped walking and I could still hear the foot steps coming closer until they stopped, I stood there a while waiting and watching, getting bored I kept walking towards the shops and stepped inside one of them to see if there was anything I wanted.

"Just check around to see if you want anything and if you do I'll ring you up." The cashier said from behind the counter as I walked in, I made my way to one of the shelves and started looking for something I wanted.

Seeing nothing I wanted I went to the next isle until I saw a deck of cards that had the backs decorated like fire, grabbing them I checked to see if there was anything else that I would have wanted but saw nothing that interested me.

Walking up to the counter I put the deck of cards down and waited to the guy to ring me up, soon I was outside with my new deck of cards, but something felt off, looking to my right I saw Deserae standing there pointing something shiny at me, holding my hands up afraid of what Deserae would do, but everything went dark.


Metal Tree Trunks and Wooden Machine Guns!

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