Ch 6: Leon's attempt...

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(Preston's POV)

I woke up breathing heavily and scared, 'what kind of nightmare was that that was more like a flashback!' I thought rubbing my eyes at the weird flash back of the time when Leon and I were friends, yawning I looked out my window tired from the events of today.

I saw a group of people who were looking at one person who looked like they were going to attack the group, rubbing my head I saw back down onto my bed, laying back down I stared at the roof letting my mind wonder to what ever it wanted.

I felt the room grow colder but since it was dark I had to rely on my hearing, and what I could see to see why the room went cold, suddenly I saw movement in front of me but it was on the other side of the room from me so I waited silently.

Suddenly I sprang forwards and collided with who ever it was I put my knee onto the person's back but made sure that their arm was behind their back, I heard a grunt from the person that was in my grasp when I dug my knee into them more.

"Who are you and why are you in my room." I whispered threateningly to the person not wanting to drag attention from the other people in their rooms. Suddenly I felt by back hit the floor and the person who was underneath me was over me.

"Get off!" I growled quietly trying to get out of the person's grasp, "And why should I do that~" The voice said with lust, 'nope!' I thought kicking him off and silently ran towards my bed and quietly got underneath it.

"Oh come on Preston lighten up~" Leon's voice said from the darkness, I stayed still listening to him walk around my room, I soon heard footsteps coming from my door, I listened carefully and so did Leon because he had stopped moving around my room.

Suddenly a knock came from my door and I got out from under my bed unlocked the door and quickly slipped under my bed, the door creaked open letting some light in and soon my light was turned on.

I waited silently until I head the thud of someone being pushed into one of the walls, "Why are you hear Leon." Andi's voice said sounding frightened, I peaked out to see that Leon had Andi on a wall while holding her neck with one hand.

"You know why." Leon said flatly while his eyes held hatred, "You'll never have what you want Leon give up!" Andi said right before Leon put pressure into her neck, "Do you really want to play this game Andi we both know what I can do." Leon said with a lot of venom in it.

I quickly got out from under my bed and threw myself against Leon shoving him away from Andi, "What the?" Leon growled as he landed on the ground, I stood in between Andi and Leon with much hate I kept myself from attacking Leon for he could easily dodge my attacks.

"Leave." I demanded glaring at him, I could tell that Andi was scared for me but I knew that he wouldn't attack me even if I was a more willing to hurt people, I saw Leon quickly leave my room and run out of view, "Did anyone follow you here?" I asked looking over my shoulder to her.

"No but are you okay?" Andi asked concerned for me, "Yeah, it's just that I can't believe Leon would even try this again after what happened." I said annoyed at his attempts, "Preston we both know that he won't give up." Andi said looking towards me while I was looking towards my window.

"Yeah I know that, it's just tiring." I said walking over to my bed and flopped down and looked at Andi who sat in my chair, "How so?" Andi asked her eyes holding confusement, I looked away from Andi and looked towards a certain spot on the wall that looked like an outline of a door in the wall.

"It's just tiring Andi, I think you should go back to your room now." I told Andi who was playing with a tiny silver and white wooden wolf, "Fine." Andi said getting up from the chair and walked over towards the door.

"Wait how did you know where I was?" I asked confused since I never told anyone where my room was, "Preston we both have mysterious powers don't we." Andi said tossing up the tiny silver and white wooden wolf and catching it before she walked out of my room closing the door behind her.

"Why do I have a feeling that she's up to no good." I said to myself right before pushing myself up into a sitting position on my bed, getting up off of my bed I walked out into the lounge on the floor, looking around I saw a pool table, a blue couch and a black love seat that were near a tv, a dart set on the wall to my right.

Sighing I walked towards the hallway that lead to another hallway, I looked to my left to see the stairs, I saw Andi walking down them making no sound, following I made sure to step with the ball of my foot instead of the heel of my foot.

Silently but quickly I followed Andi for quite a while until I saw her meet up with Connor, who was leaning against a wall in a thin yellow vest, a white t-shirt, black pants, and was wearing blue and white shoes.

I listened closely as Andi walked up to Connor getting his attention, I saw his golden yellow eyes look at Andi as she neared him, 'his powers are activated.' I thought knowing to well that his eyes are normally a amber brown color.

"So is Preston okay?" Connor asked worry clear in his voice, "Yeah he's okay." Andi answered tossing Connor a gold and white wooden wolf, "Thanks."

Metal Tree Trunks and Wooden Machine Guns!

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