Ch 16: Time is Ticking

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(Rob's POV)

As I watched Preston and Connor run around it was funny that Connor could get people to play a game with him when ever he wanted, sighing I remembered what Leon said to me before he ran away, 'Time is ticking Rob, and it won't stop.' the words rang in my head but I couldn't tell Connor or else he might get over protective of the pack just like Preston, Andi, and Lyric.

Holding my head I could hear a high pitched annoying ringing, the I heard a loud crack almost like lighting and following after it a voice said "A balance has been disturbed, that needs to be balance out again." The voice said, I opened my eyes to see that I was standing in a pure white void with no door or windows.

"Where am I?" I asked looking around and it looked like nothing was there, "You don't need to know where you are, all you need to know it this." The voice said before a icy blue crystal appeared in front of me. I watched it in awe as it floated rotating showing different colors of white and blue going around it.

"Now Little Cove  you must go back to your friends, they are worried." the voice said saying a familiar nick name that I remembered from my past, "Wait are you from my past?" I asked but I got no answer.

Sighing I closed my eyes and felt my surroundings change, the air felt warmer, and I could feel a warm breeze blow by, but I couldn't help but feel like I knew that person from somewhere I had heard that voice, but now they were gone.

I remembered Oceanview, the town I grew up in 'it always had a weird name just like Enderflight, Fireside, and Windfalls.' I thought opening my eyes and looked at the ground to see grass underneath me.

I could hear the waves hitting the cliff side of when I sat on the edge of the cliff, I would always sit there and watch the sun set behind the waters edge, I remembered the stories that the people of Oceanview would tell me.

Smiling I remembered when I had finally coaxed out a story from my dad, and it was the story of the heroes. 'I wish that they could see me now.' I thought looking up at the sky to realize that I was in the forest.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness surround me as I watched the clouds drift by 'does Preston feel this sometimes?' I wondered as I watched the sky.

(Mitch's POV)

As we walked around looking for Rob who got teleported away, I couldn't help but feel like he was safe somewhere, but I had other things to worry about, 'the Ancestors said that we would face the second trial back then, what did that mean?' I thought as I looked through the trees of the forest.

"Find anything?" Vikk asked almost scaring me, "No, but we better keep looking." I said walking forwards until we came upon a large lake that had a shore on the other side with some rocks jutting out of the sand.

"Hey! Isn't that the beach!" Vikk yelled before pointing towards the beach, "It's a beach but I don't thing it's the same beach Vikk, a lot has happened since back then." I said looking down at Vikk who looked at me with confusement.

"From what I know it could have one thousand years since then!" I said trying to be reasonable, "Lets just go check it out!" Vikk said before he ran left, I ran after him only to realize that this was the exact same lake, and the exact same beach they haven't been touched at all.

"Ha! I was right!" Vikk yelled as he jumped up onto the rock before he looked out but his smile turned into a frown, "What's wrong?" I asked getting up and stood beside him, I looked out to realize that something was off the lake wasn't shining like it had back then.

"It always shines no matter what, storm, night, day, no matter what it shines!" Vikk said his voice had worry in it, "We'll find out what happened to it" I said reassuringly, sighing I looked towards where our old camps would be.

I walked towards the first camp where we stayed for about three weeks, as I stepped into the clearing I saw something tied around a branch, it was a bandana that looked like lava, and it had a fire symbol on the corner that was visible.

Walking up to it I untied it and held it out at the corners to see what it was, and almost instantly I remembered who it belonged to, I saw the multiple markings on it, such as the fire symbol a symbol of wind, time, space, water, earth, nature, sun, moon, light, dark, a lighting bolt, a snowflake, a star, and more.

I was confused at why I didn't realize these symbols before on Preston's bandana before. "What's that?" Vikk's voice said from behind me, I looked back at him "Nothing, just checking the time." I said since I already knew what time it was.

I quickly stuffed the bandana in my front pocket, "Well we need to find out where Rob is." Vikk said looking around, "This place seems familiar." Vikk said looking around at the clearing, I could see multiple scratch marks on the trees from where we had accidentally hit them when practicing with our weapons.

"Mitch this is the first camp!" Vikk said looking around and started pacing around, "Indeed it is." Rob said from behind me, I quickly turned around to see Rob leaning against a tree smiling. "Rob!" Vikk yelled running up to Rob and shoved sand into Rob's face,

"Hey! What was that for!" Rob asked angry that he had just got a face full of sand, "That's for disappearing on us!" Vikk yelled before laughing, "I don't think he couldn't help it, I think someone else teleported him." I said looking at Rob to see him nod in agreement.

"Actually I have something to show you two, I found it while trying to find my way back!" Rob said grabbing my hood and pulled me along while Vikk walked alongside me, "Okay I'm following!" I said as he let go of my hood.

We walked for about half an hour until we came upon a large clearing and in the middle stood-

Metal Tree Trunks and Wooden Machine Guns!

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