Ch 53: Fighting Ethan

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(Preston's POV)

Opening my eyes I saw that I was laying in a very shallow pool of water, pushing myself up I saw that I was in a familiar hallway, looking up I almost started crying, I could see Connor, Andi, Matt, and Pete they were looking at me.

"Is it really you?" I asked right before Connor tackled me into a hug, letting tears fall I hugged him back the pain of losing him hitting me hard, "It's okay Preston, it's us." Connor said his voice soft and comforting like back then.

"I'm....sorry...." I said while tears kept falling, burring my face into Connor's jacket I heard him sigh, "What are you sorry for? You have nothing to be sorry." Connor said comfortingly, "For letting you four die." I said looking at Andi, Matt, and Pete who were trying to comfort me.

"You didn't let us die, we chose to protect you Preston, and protecting people has consequences." Andi said as she sat down next to us, looking at her I saw that she was smiling, it wasn't like a smile she given me since we met it was a different smile a genuine smile.

Looking to the ground I still felt bad, "Preston listen, me and Matt fought for you and we wouldn't leave your side after what you done to protect the pack and us!" Pete said sitting down next to Matt.

"Besides Preston you still have a job to do." Matt said giving me a sad smile, "but...." I said looking to the ground, "You can't put that off Preston protect them, protect what you love, keep strong, and don't fall!" Connor said repeating words he said back then.

I looked at them and stood up, looking at the puddle I saw that Ethan had took Vikk as a hostage and Lachlan looked worried, along with the others, looking through the puddle I saw that Lyric and Stampy were trying to wake me up.

"I'll see you soon brother." I said as I rethought my plan, "Goodbye little bro, and promise me that you won't fall to Leon?" Connor said as I looked back at them one last time, smiling I nodded and closed my eyes.

......Waking up I took a big breath of air, sitting up I saw that Ethan still had Vikk hostage, pushing myself up I noticed that I was no longer a wolf but a human again, curling my hands into a fist I felt something appear in my hand it was the silver sword.

Running forwards I dropped kicked Ethan off of Vikk, getting up quickly I held out my hand for Vikk to grab, I saw him look at my hand judging weather or not to grab it, suddenly Ethan went to hit Vikk with a bronze blade.

Blocking Ethan's sword with my own I managed to push him a way from Vikk, "Vikk might want to get up now and get back to the pack!" I said looking back at him, I saw him flinch as my eyes landed on him but I couldn't care less.

Dodging backwards I saw Ethan hit the ground with his sword, I smirked as his sword got stuck in the ground rushing forwards I hit him with the hilt of my sword and pushed him backwards right into a tree.

Looking at the sword I quickly swung the silver sword and in an instant the bronze sword was shattered into pieces, "You would think not to use a sword that someone knows the weaknesses of." I taunted while turning around to face Ethan.

I saw that his face held fear "I never failed them, you failed me." I said glaring at Ethan as I kept my anger under control, I could tell that everyone else felt uneasy, even Stampy and Lyric, "No they died you failed them!" Ethan said backing up even further.

Taking a step forwards I made my glare go cold and emotionless, "No they died because they were protecting me and everyone else." I said my voice now cold as ice, "what gotten into Preston?" Stampy asked someone behind me.

Suddenly ghost wolves surrounded me and I was pretty sure that the others could see them because they gasped in fear, "You don't know the full power or the past of someone and like we said you wouldn't understand a bit of it." I said as the ghost wolves were circling me.

I could tell that the clouds were swirling, "But let me tell you something, have you noticed that time barely passes when I'm around?" I taunted as the ghost wolves were now growling, "You're lying!" Ethan said backing up away from me.

"Trust me I just want this war to be over, yet I can't thanks to things holding me back." I said as the growling of the wolves were getting louder and louder, "What do you mean by things!" Ethan asked his voice revealing fear.

"I'd rather leave you to these ghost wolves considering that I don't want to kill." I said turning around and walked away from the wolves that were not growling at Ethan, "Wait please don't leave me here!" Ethan yelled in fear.

"Leave him." A voice whispered in my ear, "He's in the way of your plan." Another said, "It's his time, now leave or face the consequences!" Another said, looking back at him I made my stare cold, "I don't have a choice so this is the last time we will ever see each other." I said coldly right before walking off towards the forest.

I could hear the growls of the ghost wolves as they attacked Ethan, I didn't bother to turn around and look back 'he doesn't deserve that, he deserves much worst.' I thought as I kept walking in a bit I had reached the lake.

"You okay?" Lyric asked pressing her head against my leg while Stampy was brushing up against my legs, "Yeah just confused at why the ghost wolves didn't want me to kill him." I said looking down at Lyric.

"We have plans for you Preston, you'll kill him yourself, but you have to meet us at the high cliff on the other side of the lake." A ghost wolf said from behind me, turning around I saw that it was a large wolf that had several marking but it was difficult to know what it's fur pattern was.

"Okay, but on once condition.....Don't hold me back"

Metal Tree Trunks and Wooden Machine Guns!




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