Final Exams

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Slayers and Trackers seemed to hate the library or studying. The library was almost empty which was odd since we had Finals coming up. There were a few students scattered around the library.

My only motivation to do well on my exams was that I didn't want Damien showing up to lecture me about doing poorly. I spent the next couple of hours studying Vampire physiology and Uther's class.

Out the corner of my eye I saw Bennett walk in with a stack of books in his arms. His eyes met mine briefly.

I dropped my eyes to my books. Without thinking too much, I followed Bennett to the far corner of the library.

       "Tell your brother to leave me alone." I told Bennett. His blue eyes narrowed on me. He placed his books on the table. "I don't want any more midnight visits. Tell him to back off." I dropped my head to him. Bennett glanced around the library. There weren't many people in here. Nobody would notice us unless they walked to the far corner of the library. There were bookshelves covering us.

      "I'm trying to save your life." Bennett replied, taking a seat. "At least keep you alive until you get out of here." He pulled some books in front of him.

      "You are-?" I snapped into attention staring him down. Bennett raised his eyebrows pulling another textbook towards him. A big smile appeared on his face.

     "My brother feels guilty for what our family has done to you and I am here to help you as well." Bennett pulled out a chair for me to sit down.

My legs gave away. I couldn't lift my eyes from his face.

     "I am to stay in line during my stay here." Bennett glanced around the library with disgust. "I could care less about being a Hunter. So what is the best way to torment my family?"

     "Me." I answered not blinking. My eyes were fixed on his face. "You really want me to remove your family."

     "Of course." Bennett rolled is eyes at me like if I were stupid. "You are a Matheson Slayer. My dear old dad doesn't have the faintest clue on how to run the Coalition let alone on how to be a father. I heard about your change of heart."

I frowned at him not sure what he was referring to.

     "You don't want to be First Slayer," Bennett leaned back into his seat. "I would reconsider it." I opened my mouth to argue with him but he lifted his hand up to stop me from continuing. "Really reconsider it because the Slayers need you."

    "Need me? Nobody needs me. Anyway how do you know if you can trust your brother? Caleb is a real ass."

    "Because my brother has a conscious." Bennett's face grew serious. I cleared my throat awkwardly because I shouldn't have asked. Bennett pulled back his sleeve. He revealed a burn mark around his wrist. It was in the shape of a cuff. Shivers ran down my spine because had probably been shackled. "Shock therapy for a gay Tracker." I cringed gasping loudly.

    "I'm sorry, Bennett." I whispered sadly to him. Things were making sense now. Maybe Uther didn't want Bennett to keep getting hurt so he wanted their relationship quiet.

     "Me too." Bennett smiled with a shrug. I reached for him but he waved me away.

     "And you are sure Evan isn't going to run to your father with everything that you are doing?"

    "Of course not. So you need to reconsider your position." Bennett rolled back his sleeve, smoothing it out. He placed a book in my hand. "Alexandra have a good day." He tilted is head so that I could leave him alone. I left feeling horror and anger. It was unbelievable that a father would do that to his own son. 

Diary of a Vampire Slayer, Book 1: AlexandraWhere stories live. Discover now