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It's been two weeks with Kevin and Denise and I fucking hate it here. They don't let me do anything until my face heals, but thankfully today is the day i get my stitches out. Demi picked me up to take me to the hospital to get them out and we haven't spoken to each other since i bailed out savy.

Demi and Nick really aren't giving into this, I need to leave and fast. So I either do what I have to do to go home and get my shit back and then leave or I can leave now and just not worry about anyone anymore.

"You look healthier." Demi softly smiled, "thanks, I'm not allowed to leave the table unless I eat all my food." I deadpan,

"Maybe we should do that at our house."

I let out a fake laugh "that implies you're actually going to let me go home."

"You're coming home of course, just don't know when." She sighed, "when you and dad think I'm not a drug addict any more."

Demi held in her breathe "exactly."

She parked the car and we walked in to the hospital, she checked me in and now we waited to get the 40 or so stitches removed.

"Kylie Jonas Lovato?" A nurse called out, then me and Demi stood up and followed her. She took my weight and height then took us back into a room.

"Okay, if you could change into this so it'll be easier for the nurses." She smiled hanging me a blue tissue shirt and blue tissue shorts. Good thing I my band aids on my arm, on. I did as I was told then laid down on the table.

The two nurses came in and prepped all the stuff they would need. "We're going to start with the ones on your legs and stomach." The taller brown haired nurse smiled. "Okay."

Demi stepped out for a call and left me by myself.

I could feel them ripping them out of my skin and it was the worst, most uncomfortable feeling ever.

"Are the cuts on my face going to scar?" I asked, "they will, but they'll be small scars." She then pointed to my face "the one on your cheek, is going to run under your jawline to your chin. That's the longest and worst one. The one on your nose will run across the bridge but is small. Then your forehead will also be a longer but less visible." The nurse explained, "oh okay."

Demi entered the room and took a picture of me. I didn't really care, they bandaged all the cuts that are now closed.

They then sent me on my way with bandages. It took about an hour and half, I know Kevin Senior has a lot of work for me to do.

"Wow, you look a lot better. The bruising is going down." Demi smiled looking at me, "Yeah I know." I shifted facing away from her in the car.


I've been stuck here for 3 weeks now, I get drug tested every week and everything comes out clean except weed. But it's not because I smoke, it's because it's still in my system.

I haven't talked to any of my friends who I assume don't care about me anymore. I'm one lonely individual.

"Kylie barn time!" Kevin senior yelled snapping me out of my thoughts. I rolled over screamimg into a pillow, then falling off my bed and standing up. I could do the whole routine with my eyes closed, it actually annoys the fuck out of me.

I walked the horses out of the barn letting them go on the fenced 10 acres. I then went to clear all of poop out of the barn.

"fuck." I mumbled, "hm what was that?" Kevin asked.

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