I felt the bed dip behind me, and felt arms wrap around me, tugging me gently against them. Even with my eyes closed I knew who it was due to the sudden calmness that washed over me. It's amazing how my body knew his touch before my eyes even saw his face.

"Shh." Joe cooed in my ear, gently moving my hair away from my neck and face. "I'm right here baby. Please don't cry." He whispered soothingly.

I hadn't even realized I was crying until he said something. I sniffled, opening my eyes and looked at Swayze who was still sleeping peacefully, unbothered by the fact that her mom was a mess in bed with her and her dad was trying to sooth her.

"C'mon baby." Joe's voice replied lowly and I felt myself being picked up and cradled.

I cuddled against Joe, taking in his scent as he carried me out of Swayze's room and down the hall. I wasn't really paying attention to where we were going until I was laid on a comfortable bed, Joe's eyes coming into view in front of me. He took my hands into his as he laid before me, just looking into my eyes. I couldn't help but thank whatever higher power that had thrusted us into each others lives. He was such a good man.

"Your eyes are gorgeous." I replied lowly, smiling as he let out a soft chuckle.

"Only you can disarm me like that." He shook his head slightly, a smile on his flawless face. "Trust me, your green eyes put mine to shame baby."

"I beg to differ." I argued back.

"Well then we'll just agree to disagree then huh?" He whipped some dampness off my cheeks and sighed. "I hate it when you cry."

"I know." I let out a breath. "I didn't even realize I had started until you said something. I'm sorry." I whispered the apology.

"You have nothing to be sorry for." He spoke, pulling me a bit closer to him. "Not just about crying, but everything. Your not at fault here Nonna."

"I can't help but feel like I am though Joseph." I sighed.

"How could you ever feel that way? Baby, he did this to himself. You caught him cheating on you and you chose to leave the situation, after he put hands on you remember."


"No matter how you look at it Wynonna he put his hands on you. He acted an ass and he has to be held accountable for that." He replied, his eyes stern but loving as he looked into mine. "Now I don't know what went down between him and Sasha and frankly I don't care cause that ain't my business. But I do know it takes a coward ass man to put his hands on a female during a disagreement."

"I know, trust me I understand everything your saying but what if I was the one that made all his anger finally boil over? He blames me for his life being the way it is now and I just, what if I made him so mad that he just took it out on her?" I asked.

"Baby, no. Just no." He sat up, pulling me up with him. "He's a grown ass man who is in control over his life. In all honesty he put you in the situation your in now by cheating on you. He stepped outside ya'lls marriage. It don't matter what went down between you and I that conceived Swayze cause you two weren't even that serious when I came to your room that night. Also, he was in the same hotel that night and he was down in the bar with The New Day boys getting tipsy and Sasha was present down there as well."

"And just how do you know that Mr. Anoa'i?"

"I might've had a beer with the boys and saw he was down there and made my shot." He narrowed his eyes and pointed. "Let's not loose focus here though." I chuckled shaking my head as he smiled. "Even though you didn't love him the way you needed to, you didn't stray outside of your marriage. He did Nonna. He has been in the wrong as of lately, so he is the cause of what's going on in his life. Not me, not you, and not Sasha. He is."

...To Begin Again {Roman Reigns}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz