Chapter 8

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Kelli's POV

My phone's notification bell rang.


Herobrine: she's all set.


Me: is she ok?


Herobrine: Haha. She was stressing out quite a bit. She told me to lock the door behind me in case something bad were to happen.


Me: Dear God. Should we let the others know?


Herobrine: People might take this seriously. But we need to focus on what Null wants at the moment. The only information we have so far is that he is looking for a totem of undying of some sort. Like, what would he need it for? Its restorative properties are basically beyond a normal one, or any one I have seen before. We might have to go out of the overworld for this.


Me: Dear God. Ok let's talk tomorrow before Melanie and I go to work.


I put my phone down and set it down next to the computer. There, it was set to Melanie's room in the human dimension. Tomorrow, we would go and after work, we will devise a plan.

...time skip...

My eyes fluttered open. The sun came through the window. I looked at the time: 9:00 am. It synced with the clock in her room in the image I saw in the other dimension. Perfect. All times are synced. I walked downstairs and munched on an apple in the pantry. Then gathering my bow and quiver if arrows, I walked out. Herobrine and Melanie greeted me as they walked out.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked.

Melanie shrugged. "Since I slept at an early time, I don't think it did anything to me."

She pushed back her side bangs, but I noticed something. Her other eye was yellow, like the way she had her minecraft form created.

"Well, I didn't notice that." Herobrine spat. "What happened?"

"Honestly, I don't know." She replied. "I really couldn't tell because I was asleep. And I really couldn't tell you what happened."

I shrugged. "Well, the only way to find out is our next night here. In the meantime, we have to get ready for work."

"Yea. I have work at 1. Perks of being a manager."

"You're kidding, right?" Herobrine asked.

"It's called sarcasm, bud." Melanie replied.

I broke the silence. "So anyways, we gotta head back before we are both late to work."

"Yea. And I dont have to change." Melanie added.

She followed me to my house and we walked upstairs. Then she placed her sword near the window next to my bed. I turned on the computer and the image of Melanie's room was shown on the screen.

I motioned to the computer. "You all set to go? I'll summon my uniform to me once I get through."

She nodded. "Alright. Here goes nothing."

I watched as she took a running start. Shortly, she went through the screen and slammed into her bureau. She held her arm and winced. She seemed to curse under her breath before I started to go back.

The imagery changed and I landed on the floor of her room, almost sliding into the bureau. In the process, my blue eyes flickered.

"Are you gonna be able to control that at work?" Melanie asked.

Protector - A Minecraft story (book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora