Chapter 6

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Melanie's POV

I woke up on top of a red blanket. A desk was by my side. I kept hearing things. Were they in my head? However, kept hearing my name.


"Kelli, do you need your work schedule?"

"Mel. Wake up. You made it."

I turned around to see someone with long brown hair, blue 3/4 sleeve shirt, shorts, and turquoise shoes. I jumped back, what I felt like was, a mile.

"Mel. Calm down. You made it."

I slowly started to take in my surroundings. I was in my dark oak house. There on the desk, there was a computer showing Delaney and Hero laughing.

"Please dont tell me that you can control me." I spat.

"We can't. It's your character. You're officially a half minecraftian." Hero said. "You have your own minecraft form. We can see you through the computer as it is video chat. Nice ears by the way."

My face turned red. "I forgot to delete that off of my skin customization."

"No, it suits you." Kelli replied. "Actually, I think it's a part of you now."

I tilted my head at that remark. "What do you mean?"

"Take a look."

There was a small mirror on the wall beside my bed. I took a look and saw a tan complexion followed by my eyes. An amber/yellow iris with my makeup features from the human world. I looked up, and there were wolf ears on top of my auburn and copper hair with side bangs sweeping over the right side of my face. I meant to do the left when I customized my skin, but I guess it was mirror image when I did it.

"You weren't kidding." I spat.

"It gets better." She said as she snapped her fingers. "You can control how you look now. Crack the muscles in your neck."

I did just that, and the wolf ears slowly vanished, and my eyes turned brown.

I was in awe. "Should I try it again to see if I can get the ears again?"

She nodded. "Give it a shot."

Now, staying loose, I stretched the muscles in my neck again. Immediately, this time was painful. I dropped to my knees as I felt it coming back.

"Melanie! You okay?" Delaney screamed from the computer.

"Relax." Kelli instructed. "Try to at least."

I listened and I let myself drop. In seconds, I was able to get up. I looked in the mirror one more time. I was back to the wolf ears and yellow eyes. This time, I opened my mouth and canines were present.

Kelli laughed nervously. "Let's just say that you're a part mob half minecraftian now."

I shrugged as I let myself go back to my original form, meaning no ears and brown eyes.

"Fucking hell!" I screamed. "That hurt."

"Sorry. Forgot to warn you about that." Hero said from the computer.

I shot him a glare. "Ok. Now that I'm squared away, can I get out of here?"

"I got you." Kelli said. "Let's just head to the bathroom so there are no suspicious looks from customers."

I watched as Delaney had the phone in her hands, and she walked to the bathroom. As soon as she closed the door, Kelli and I were in front of the computer.

"I'll go first. It's easy." She said.

I nodded. "I might need a bit of help my first time."

"No worries. Just put your hand through and jump."

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