Fears (Request)

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request made by...ImOnlyHereForTimTurd
special exception for a request—
I'll open requests back up some other time, but this is for friendo ùwú

(Tom's POV)

"Y'know, they say that when the body has the feeling of being watched, you're probably being watched."
"Oh, really?"
"When you feel those little sensations of what seems like bugs crawling all over your back? It's your body warning you that someone, or some presence is weighing your soul down. It's targeting you. (I made all of this up- none of it is true lmao—)"

I shiver under my layers of blankets. The laptop screen illuminating my face in the pitch black room. Paranormal shit is a great thing to watch at 3am. The fucking witching hour, you know, where all the demons and ghosts and spirits come out to torment to living because they want their lives back and oh shit what the fuck was that outside—

It was a small creak. The more I replay the sound in my mind, the more it sounds like a footstep. And with all the goddamn possessions this house has gone through, I wouldn't be surprised if there was still some paranormal activity here. But what the fuck would the stupid ass ghost want from me? I can't even get possessed for fuck's sake! Why do I torture myself like thi—


Ohmyfuckingjehovah- what in unholy mother of—

I tense up underneath the blankets, holding them tighter around me. Maybe if I'm completely covered, then the demon won't be able to get me? Illogical as fuck, but, hey, it's better than nothing.

Shutting the laptop off, I bury my head under the piles of blankets that I collected over the past few days. I hold the sheets as tightly as humanly possible around my small frame, trembling like a child.

Honestly I should probably stop watching these videos so late at night, I doubt it does anything good for my mental state. They just enlightened me on the horrible world that we live in.
"Fucking—" I growl before interrupted by -
"You're next~"

"wHAT THE FUCK—" I screech at the whisper that sounded so close to my ear.
"Fuck this shit—" I run out of my room, dragging the blankets with me. I go to knock the first bedroom door I see, but then realized wow, this is childish as fuck.

I mean, here I am, a grown man, getting scared of something that isn't there, right? Why should I be running to other people? And- oh, wait, now I'm out in the open and am vulnerable to whatever spirit decides to prey on my fucking soul- dammit I'm gonna die—

I should've stayed in my goddamn bed, but gUESS WHO CAN'T THINK STRAIGHT?!(that's cuz you're gay lmao—)

"Mrow.." I whip my head to look down at the source of the small meow. It was Ringo, everyone's favorite cat. She rubs her face on my leg and looks up at me with those beady eyes.
"Can't sleep?" I ask her. She flicks her tail in response. "Yeah, me neither.." I whisper, bending down to pick her up. She snuggles into my arms as I walk back to my room, feeling better because I have someone with me.

I bring her to my bed and sit beside her. And once it goes quiet, I feel like I can hear every single sound that may or may not be some demon coming to haunt me. But it's fine, right?

I could just stay awake, then I'd know if something was coming after me.

"Su-" I get interrupted by my own yawn. "-re,"

~Timeskip to some days later~

(Tord's POV)

I glance at Tom, noticing he looks terrible. Wow, those eye bags look disgusting.
"Thomas, you oka—" I move my hand to poke him and he jumps 5 feet away, staring at me with wide, fearful eyes. He trembles violently, hugging himself tightly.

"Witness, what the fuck?" He seems to snap out of whatever terrifying nightmare he got trapped in, and relaxes.
"S-sorry," He says in almost a whisper. "I-I have to go-" he says quickly, running off before I could stop him.

I hear the slam of a door before silence takes over the living room. I furrow my eyebrows a bit in thought. I am slightly concerned, but this is Thomas we're talking about, right? He does the weirdest things, I've learned not to question him.

I shrug to myself before turning on the telly and watching whatever terrible show was on. There was still a small thing in the back of my mind that continued to worry about him. I ignored it.

~Timeskip once more~

I groggily open my eyes, immediately feeling my parched throat and dry tongue. I slip out of bed with a slouch and leave my room to get some water to satisfy my thirst. As I walk down the hall, I pass in front of Tom's room, hearing a soft noise from inside.

I try to ignore it, but it gets louder and sounds like a wailing animal. I jolt at how broken and scared it was, like a small child.

I hesitantly knock on the door. The crying suddenly ceases, a tense silence hanging in the air.
"..Tom..?" I finally break the fragile silence after a moment of no reaction. I reach for the door handle and open it with ease. He didn't lock the door, strangely enough.

When I first enter, it's completely dark, no signs of life. Only after I walk in do I take notice of the harsh breathing filling the air. I glance at the shaking pile of blankets that I assume is Thomas. I carefully walk over, each step seemingly causing him to tremble more violently.

"Thomas? Are you...okay?" I ask hesitantly. I hear faint whimpers from inside the blankets. I reach for the sheets and try to pull them off gently, but of course, Tom is holding onto them like they are the last thing keeping him alive. I abandon the attempts of pulling them off, and instead sit beside the bundle of shivering sheets.

"Tom..you know it's just me, right? Tord?" I ask him, unsure. His trembling slowed down, slightly. Still kept the blankets wrap around him like a burrito.
"Why were you crying?" I ask him, quietly. To my surprise, he answers.

"T-the- I heard th-e w-whisp-er ag-gain," He stutters with much difficulty, muffled in the sheets.
"I-it s-strangled- it strang-gled me when I t-tried to s-sleep," he says, softly sobbing.

"Oh," I whisper. I rub where I assume his back was, hopefully in a comforting manner. He shifts towards me, loosening up the tight hold he had on the blankets. He leans onto my chest, causing me to fall over and lie down on the bed with him. He snuggles into me, wrapping his arms around me and letting his tears soak into my worn t-shirt.

"S-sorry, I'm such a c-crybaby, h-huh?" Tom asks with a sad chuckle.
"No, it's okay. We all have fears, you know." I say with a shake of the head. I yawn, only then realizing how late it was.

"Tom..lets sleep now...it's really-" Yawn. "Really late,"
He nods, head rubbing into my stomach. I relax, wrapping a protective arm around him.

He looks kind of cute, hugging me like this.


Sun blinds my eyes as I shiver from a chill.
"Tom, you fucking blanket-hog."
"Fffuck you too,"

aaaHHH- I'm sorry if this was really bad ;-; I had some troubles-
never edited- don't expect it to ever be edited.

but- hEy was it satisfactory?—

TomTord/TordTom Oneshots and eddsworld artDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora