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Just hours ago, a man broke into two New Zealand mosques and opened fire, killing 49 people and injuring 20 others.

The victims were men, women, and children, whose only crimes were worshipping God and attending a Friday sermon.

The man who carried out the attack left a manifesto, detailing his monstrous intentions and xenophobic, anti-Muslim beliefs. What's even more sickening is that he live-streamed the whole shooting and posted it on Facebook.

That horrific video of actual human beings getting shot and killed has been circulating on social media, and God knows how many people have been exposed to it. Unfortunately, I was no exception. It was, beyond a doubt, the worst thing I've seen in my entire life, and no matter what I do I don't think I can ever unsee it.

I am heartbroken beyond words. The news kept me up all night. I couldn't sleep properly. All I could think about were all those innocent people and their families, many of whom still don't know whether their loved ones are alive or not. I can't even imagine the amount of pain they must be in right now.

There is absolutely no justification for this senseless violence. Absolutely none.

We go to a place of worship to feel safe. To connect with others. To worship God. To have a sense of belonging. But now many people go to a place of worship only to end up dead, brutally murdered by an individual with such deep hatred and intolerance for peace.

As we mourn those who have lost their lives in the New Zealand Mosque shooting today, I also ask that you remember all those Jews, Christians, Hindus, etc. who have lost their lives for the mere crime of trying to worship in peace. Remember all those innocent people who have lost their lives to terrorism and hatred.

Remember Charleston, Pittsburg, Sutherland Springs, Thousand Oaks, Orlando, and every senseless act of terrorism that has taken place before this and continues to take place today. Muslims aren't the only victims, nor are they the only perpetrators. Don't denounce one act of violence and completely disregard another.

Conservatives aren't the enemy. Liberals aren't the enemy. Trump supporters aren't the enemy. Immigrants aren't the enemy. Muslims aren't the enemy.

Terrorists are the enemy. Those who advocate for violence and crimes against humanity are the enemy. Let's get that straight.

Anyone can be a terrorist. Doesn't matter what your skin color, ethnicity, religion, or political ideology is. A terrorist is a fucking terrorist and nothing more.

Enough is enough. Stop blaming an entire group of people for the actions of a few sick, monstrous individuals. That's exactly what these people want, for us to become further divided! For us to continue fighting! Don't be stupid. Don't give them that satisfaction.

The best thing we can all do right now is to be there for the victims. Please, please send your condolences to the Muslim community of New Zealand and in your local area. Ask how you can support them. Check up on your Muslim friends and offer them words of support. If a GoFundMe page has been set up for the victims, make sure you donate. For once, let's drop the politics and aimless bickering and just come together as one community.

Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi ra'jiaun.

Surely we belong to Allah and surely to Him we shall return.

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