Chapter Six

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I jolted up, panting. I was once again in the hospital. I looked around the room seeing no one.

'Was I dreaming?' I began thinking.

'Was it real? Did all that really happen? Is Ed okay!?'

I couldn't help but think it was all just a dream, but maybe it was real. 'Could it, did it mean something?' Would it really happen?' I still wasn't sure if it was real or a dream. I had no idea what to believe, I was confused, lost between a dream and reality. Maybe I was dreaming now.

I decided to just turn on the television. After about thirty minutes of watching my favorite tv show, 'Awkward', barely paying it much attention, I felt myself feeling nodding off, maybe I just really need rest.


I woke up to people surrounding me, talking, Ed, Maddie and Doctor Lindsey.

I was so happy to know Ed was okay and the large possibility that it was just a dream. But I still feared, what if it came true.

I knew I had to make sure he didn't find me. I had to get far, far away from here, somewhere he wouldn't be able to find me.

"Yes, today." the doctor said.

"Will she have to take any medications or anything?" Ed asked

"Yes, she will need to take medicine for the pain. I will write a prescription and you can stop by the pharmacy and pick it up. Also, make sure she gets plenty of rest, and doesn't do much strenuous activity that involves her feet, or any at all. Try to have her eat healthy and do day by day progressive exercise." the doctor couldn't stress more.

"Okay, when can we sign her out?" Maddie asked.

"Now, if you'd like. You just have to fill out some paper work first." the doctor replied, walking towards the door.

"You have to come and get the papers from the front desk."

"Okay, I'll fill it out now." said Maddie, glancing over at me.

"Oh look who finally decided to wake up." Maddie said, sending a small, apologetic smile in my direction.

"Ms. Estess, how are you? Do you need anything?" Doctor Lindsey asked.

"I"m fine, thank you." I managed to croak out, sleepiness still apparent in my voice.

"Okay, if you need anything, just say so. Are you ready to go home?" he asked.

"Yes, very." I said, laughing slightly. "How long have I been in here?"

"Only three days. If you need anything, like I said before, just say so." he said, walking out the door.

"How long have you been here?" I asked Maddie.

"A few hours I brought you some clothes." she replied, handing me a bag containing clothes.

"Get dressed." she told me.

"I'm going to go fill out the papers, Ed is in the cafeteria, I'll be right back." she said, leaving.

A nurse walked in seconds later and helped me get dressed. I had to roll one of my legging pant up above my cast and only wear one boot. While I was getting my shirt over my head, there was a knock at the door.

"Hold on please!" The nurse called for me.

"Thank you." I said to the nurse once I finally got the shirt on. She nodded an walked out the room. As she left, Ed walked in.

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