Chapter Three

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I woke up to a bright light. I rubbed the sleepy out of my eyes and sat up, peering at the window. I staggered over to the window, closing the curtains to block out the light. I then laid back down in the bed and rolled over. After realizing I couldn't fall back asleep, I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. When I entered the kitchen, my eyes darted to the door.

'Should I run?' I thought.

I walked back upstairs and grabbed my phone and put on a light jacket, it was a little chilly in the house. I then slipped on a pair of flats I found in the closet, and headed back downstairs. As I walked past the bathroom, I noticed the light was on, meaning someone was in there and awake. I hoped and prayed they wouldn't check to make sure I'm still in the bedroom. I kept walking anyways and headed out the door.

At first I fast walked, but as I began to think of what might happen if I was caught, I began running, panting furiously. I ran down the driveway and as I was about to reach the main road, I heard the sound of tires screeching on the dirt road. They were heading in my direction.

Maybe I was just paranoid and it was the neighbors or something, but I hadn’t seen any houses around. It almost seemed as if I was in the middle of nowhere.  I didn't know what to do and I started panicking. I frantically searched around  for a road or a house or anything, but there was nothing, just woods. I decided to just try and make my way through the woods.

I ran for a while, getting stuck with briers and pointy sticks and vines. Becoming tired, I decided to take a break and sat down behind a tree, my breathing beginning to slow down. As I sat there, tiredness took me over. As I realized how tired I had gotten, I decided to close my eyes for a while. As I sat there resting, I heard the crunching of leaves and sticks.

I figured it was just an animal, but I couldn't help but think it was something more. I couldn't help but become paranoid and think it was not something but someone. I wanted so desperately to just sit here, to sink into the tree, into the woods and disappear, but I knew that unfortunately, that wasn't going to happen.

I got up, stumbling a little, and began running again. I stepped on something as I ran and felt a sudden piercing pain in my leg. I screamed out in agony, falling to the ground, my foot twisting under the weight of my body, causing me to scream out again. I felt the tears prick in my eyes as I looked down at my legs, seeing two punctures. I looked around and noticed a snake coiled up, not even a foot away, the punctures was a snake bite. The snake was a plain black one, I wasn’t sure if it was poisonous or not.

As I heard leaves crunching again, I felt my breath hitch in my throat, a lump forming. I swallowed the lump and wiped my tears. I began to cry harder as realization hit me, I was going to die, out in the woods, all by myself. Probably no one was going to find me. He was going to catch me and kill me if the snakebite didn’t.

I couldn’t give up though. I was determined to get away from here, from him, and I wasn’t going to just give up and die. If anything, I wanted to die trying, I couldn’t just give up that easily.

I stood up and began limping and yelling for help, tears streaming down my face from the pain.

As I staggered through the woods praying for a miracle, I saw a small cottage type house. I was hopeful as I neared the cottage. When I reached the porch, I stooped to lessen the pain on my swollen ankle and leg a little. I then began knocking on the door furiously begging for help, hoping and praying that someone was home and would help me.

Right when I had given up, a jeep pulled up the gravel driveway.

A red head got out of the car and strode towards me. He had a sleeve tattoo on one arm and an array of various tattoos on his other arm and neck. He also had a lip and eye brow piercing. The first thought that came to my mind when I saw him was if he was one of them and if he would hurt me or take me back to him.

"What are you doing here?" the red head asked.

"Will you please help me? I was exploring in the woods and accidentally stepped on a snake and it bit me. I fell and landed on my ankle the wrong way, and I think it might be broken.”  I explained, not wanting to tell him that I was running from someone, nor why.

"You're one clumsy girl aren't you? Come on, sweetheart." he said, helping me to the car, and into the backseat.

He reached into the dash and pulled out a first aid kit, wrapping my ankle up and temporarily treating my snake bite for until we reached the hospital.

The car ride was silent and a bit awkward. I noticed how we would occasionally make eye contact through the rear view mirror, and I felt like his eyes were on me throughout the entire trip.

When we arrived at the hospital, he opened the door and picked me up, carrying me bridal style into the hospital. He walked over to the nurse and informed her that I need medical assistance right away.

"What seems to be the problem?" the nurse asked.

"Well she was bitten by a snake and tripped and fell on her ankle, it might be broken or something, it’s a bit swollen." the guy said.

"If you will wait in the waiting room, a doctor will be right with you as soon as possible." she replied kindly.

He carried me over to the waiting room and set me down in a chair then sat down next to me.

"I will stay with you, if you want me to." he said

"Yes I would like that." I said with a smile.

I don't know what it was about him, maybe it was his fiery red hair you could just run your hands through, or his beautiful light blue eyes, or his kindness, but I felt safe with him, even with his tattoos. Well he didn't really have that many tattoos, but still. I may not have known him, but he gave me this feeling in the pit of my stomach that I just couldn't quite put my finger on. I didn't know what it was but I liked it.

"My names Ed, by the way" he stated

"Leigha." I said

“Well Leigha, -"

"Ma'am, I'm Doctor Lindsey, if you could just come with me right this way.” the doctor interrupted.

She wheeled a wheel chair in front of me, her and Ed helping me into it.

The doctor wheeled me into the examine room, telling Ed he could come back in a minute. She asked me to describe what kind of snake had bitten me while she examined my ankle and leg. After I described the snake and she was finished examining my injuries, she gave me a hospital gown to change into, telling me she would be right back and exited the room.

Once she had left the room, I got changed and got onto the examining bed. Not long afterwards, the doctor came back in with a picture of a snake and a needle in her hand.

"Is this the snake?" she asked, showing me the picture.

I nodded after glimpsing at the picture.

"Yes." I said

"I'm going to give you a shot to stop the venom from spreading any further, it wasn't poisonous but it still could make you extremely sick." she said, rubbing my leg with alcohol and sticking me with the needle, releasing the antidote into my body. She then had me lie down and stuck an I-V in my hand. She went down to my ankle and examined it.

"Tell me if this hurts." she said, moving my ankle a bit.

"Yes" I said, feeling a rush of pain shoot through my ankle and into my foot.

"Does this hurt?" she kept asking me as she moved my leg and foot in different positions,  and I would respond with a simple yes or no.

After examining my foot, she stated that it was just sprained and I just needed a cast and to walk on crutches for about two weeks.

"I'm going to put the cast on and then I want you to rest. The medication will make you a bit drowsy, and you may sleep for a while." Doctor Lindsey said.

After she put on the cast, she told me once again to rest and left the room.


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