Devil's Property: Prologue

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I stepped out onto the patio, the fresh, cool air instantly nipping at my caramel skin. Me and my brother had gotten into an argument and I needed to calm down, so I decided to take a walk. I walked through the back yard and to the gate, opening the gate and walking through. I walked down the street until I saw the railroad tracks. I began walking down the tracks until I came to the familiar path. fungi and weeds nearly covering the path I had cleared forever ago. I haven't been here in a while, since the accident. I kept walking, stepping up the hill, soon stopping in my tracks and sitting on the cool, sandy ground. I swayed my feet over the edge, placing them in the crystal creek water. This had always been my hideout, my place to hide when things would get rough. My best friend Maddie and I discovered it when we were children.

I sat on the rocky sand with my feet in the water, taking in my beautiful surroundings. I began to think about my family, my life, and really everything. As I sat there thinking, I felt like I was being watched, but I knew that couldn't be because no one knew of this place. I sat there for what felt like forever. I figured I was just being paranoid.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a husky, unfamiliar voice, "What are you doing out all alone at this hour, sweetheart?" a thick Irish accent filled my ears, being the first thing I noticed. He obviously wasn't from around here.

I turned around to see who the voice belonged to but all I seen was a dark figure. I then realized how dark it had gotten.

"Wow. How long have I been sitting here?" I thought aloud, my voice barely above a whisper

"What? Answer my question." the figure said.

"I-I umm I just wanted some fresh air." I answered " Who are you? How did you find this place?" I began to question

"First off, I ask the questions, sweetheart. Second, you don't need to know who I am, yet. And third, because I saw you walk down the railroad tracks." the stranger states.

'So he followed me here?' I thought, becoming frightened. 'Why did he follow me? What will he do to me?'

I must have been thinking for a quite while because the stranger asked me what was on my mind, stepping closer. As he stepped closer, I got a slight glimpse of his facial features. His jaw line was tensed, as if he was angry or didn't want to be around me, his eyes beautiful, a sparkling teal blue, and plump, pink lips. His lips looked so soft.

'Stop it, for gods sake you don't even know the man, Leigha.' I thought as I admired his features.

His hair was styled in a perfect quiff with a snapback on. On his body, he had a tight muscle shirt with skinny jeans. He was actually quite attractive. My eyes trailed back down to his toned abs, showing through his tight tanktop.

"Uhumm. I know you like what you see, but its impolite to stare, sweetheart." the stranger said, I didn't even notice I was staring at him.

"I-I should start heading home though, my b- brother is probably w- worried." I stuttered.

"Yes you should, It's not safe for you to be out here at night, especially not alone. Do you know what could happen to an innocent little girl like you, outside at night all alone and vulnerable?" He questioned worry and a hint if something else laced in his tone.

"I can take care of myself, thank you! And yes, I am very aware of what could happen to me, but I am surely not vulnerable. And how do you figure I am so innocent?" I countered, unsure of where the sudden spur of courage come from.

He stood there for a moment, quietly gazing at me, like he was unsure of what I had just said. He then tensed up, as if he was now angry, like a kid who had just been denied candy. His eyes turning a darker shade.

The Devil's Property ||n.h||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora