Chapter Four

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I woke up to an obnoxious beeping noise.

“What is that noise?" I mumbled sleepily annoyed, trying to roll over but not succeeding because of a cold metal object.

"Are you finally awake?" I heard a familiar voice say but I couldn't quite recognize who it belonged to.

I opened my eyes, taking in my surroundings. I didn't recognize where I was at first, but after some time, I remembered the events that took place earlier.

My gaze then landed on Ed sitting in a chair beside the bed I was laying on, his eyes already on me, and when I looked at him, our eyes met. We sat there staring at each other in silence until he spoke up.

"I got this for you." he said, reaching underneath the chair and pulling out a teddy bear and handing it to me.

"Thank you, you really didn’t need to." I said, a huge smile lighting up my face.

"You're welcome." he said chuckling

"A beautiful lady like you deserves to be a little spoiled." he said smiling an adorable smile, causing the both of us to turn a little red.

"I was hoping you'd like it, I spent nearly an hour in the gift shop trying to find the perfect thing for you." he said

"Well thank you and, I love it." I said with a huge smile, blushing like mad.

We continued talking for what seemed like hours, just about random things.

"I'm going out to get something to eat, do you want anything, love?" Ed asked

"Ummm, actually do you have an iPhone charger I can use?" I asked

"Yeah, I have one out in the car. Hold on, I'll go get it real quick." he said, putting on his hoodie and walking out the door. He returned minutes later with a charger in his hand. He plugged it into the wall and looked around for my phone, finding it on the table beside the chairs.

"Is that all you need?" He asked once he plugged up the phone.

"Actually, would you mind getting me some ice cream and I swear that'll be it." I said, handing him some money.

"Yes, I would be glad to. What flavor darling?" He asked, pushing my hand away and rejecting the money.

"Birthday Cake, please." I said, trying to hand him back the money anyways.

"Alright love, I'll pay." he objected, walking out the door.

I soon heard my phone ding over and over, signaling it had charged enough to turn itself on, and that I had some messages. I then reached over on the table, grabbing my phone and putting in the pass-code to unlock it. I clicked on my messages app, seeing I had nearly 50 texts. Most were from my brother, some were from Maddie, and the rest were from my friends from school. I didn't feel like reading all of them, so I just scrolled through, only reading a few of the texts from my brother and Maddie. They were mostly just texts like 'Where are you?' 'Are you okay?' and things like that.

I pressed the nurse button on my bed and waited for her to come.

She walked in not long later.

"Yes Ms. Estess?" she asked.

"Umm.. I was just wondering if you could tell me where I am, like the location." I asked

"Well, we're in Wolverhampton, England. And you at New Cross Hospital." she replied kindly.

"Oh, okay, thanks, that's all I needed." I said

I then texted Maddie and my brother, letting them know I was okay and telling them where I was. After Maddie texted me that she would be here in a few hours and she'd take me home, I texted Nathan and told him that Maddie was coming to pick me up. When he asked me why I was in the hospital, I just told him that I tripped down the stairs and twisted my ankle. I couldn't tell him what kind of a predicament I was in, for fear of how he would possibly react.

After he texted back 'Okay', I set my phone down and just stared at the ceiling. After getting tired of just looking at the boring, plain, white ceiling, I adverted my gaze to the blank television, to the clock and to the closed door. I was beyond bored out of my mind.

'What's taking Ed so long?' I began to wonder to myself.

I soon began falling asleep. Right when I was nearly asleep, I heard the door open and Ed's thick British accent engulfed the small room.

"I'm back Sweetheart." he said, smiling cheekily.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake Sleeping Beauty."

"It's fine, I wasn't completely asleep yet anyways.” I replied drowsily.

"Here's your ice cream." he said, handing me an ice cream cone.

"Thank you." I said, smiling the best I could, being in my sleepy state.

"You're welcome.” he replied softly, taking a seat beside me.

We talked for a bit while I ate my ice cream.

"Here, you have a little something on your nose." he laughed, wiping off the ice cream from my nose with a tissue.

"Ed, you should go home and get some rest."

"Are you sure? I can stay here wi-"

"I'll be fine, go get some rest." I said, interrupting him.

And with that, he didn't argue back, and just got up and gave me a hug and a light peck on the cheek, causing me to turn a slight shade of red.

"Bye love." he said, walking towards the door.

"Bye." I said, right before he exited the room.

I was so tired, exhausted is more like it. I then rolled over slightly, as far as the cast and bed rail would allow and closed my eyes, drifting off into a slumber.


{ Just like a shoe, if two people are meant to be, they will fit just perfectly. No forcing, no struggling, and no pain.<3 }

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