Chapter Two

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I kept running, hearing yelling and the echo of feet getting closer and closer behind me. I could hear the screeching of speeding tires, but I didn't see a car anywhere around. But I wouldn't stop, I wouldn't look back, I was too scared. I just wanted to get away from him. He was insane. I didn't even know his name, I didn't even know him, hell he barely knew me. Yet he was claiming me as his and he was quite possessive. He told me he was going to punish me. What the hell for? For being a normal teenager and having fun? For nearly being raped? Was that my fault, could he seriously have thought it was my fault? Yeah, I danced with the guy, but I was drunk and wanted to have fun. No, I didn't ask him to try to rape me, it wasn't what I wanted. How could he seriously want to punish me for almost being raped. For wanting to have a good time? It wasn't my fault.

We aren't even together, better yet, I barely fucking know him. I am single and can do whatever the fuck I want, I am 17, I don't need him to tell me what the fuck I can and cannot do. He is beyond possessive, and I don't even know him.

I came around a corner, completely lost. I came to a pathway leading to God knows where, but I went down it anyways. As I ran down the pathway, I found myself heading into the woods. I was running through the woods when I saw a figure in front of me, causing me to stop dead in my tracks. The figure walked closer to me, causing me to turn and sprint in the other direction, but as soon as I did, I ran into a rock hard chest. The impact knocked me to the ground.

I looked up at the guy as he grabbed me by my arm, yanking me up forcefully.

"Did you honestly think you could get away from me, Princess? Did you think I wouldn't find you? Well guess what? You can't and I will find you! No matter what, no matter where you try to run, no matter where you try to hide, I will always find you. You will always be mine, until the day either of us die." The voice I was dreading to hear whispered-shouted harshly in my ear.

I didn't know what to say, I was speechless. It was like I was frozen and couldn't move, I was inarticulate and felt paralyzed in my spot. I just stood there, not knowing what to say nor do.

"Answer me when I talk to you!" he shouted, gripping my arm tighter.

"O-okay" I managed to stutter out, still unsure of how he expected me to reply to his previous statement.

"Why won't you just accept the fact that you are mine and I am yours? Why won't you just listen to me? It would be a hell of a lot easier for The both of us. Why do you choose to defy me? I don't want to have to punish you, yet you defy me, and give me no other choice." He yelled, his fingertips digging further into my forearm.

I still didn't know what to say so I just stood there staring at the ground like a puppy that had just been scolded. He just scoffed in return, gripping my arm more forcefully, dragging me back towards where they had parked the car.

"Get in." He mumbled in disgruntlement, opening the door and slamming it behind me once I had stepped in.

He walked around the front of the car and got in the driver's side, starting up the car and driving off. We drove in the opposite direction of my house.

"Where are we going?" I asked quietly confused and afraid of making him angry.

"Home" is all he said.

I just looked at him confused. "But we aren't going in the right direction?" I asked puzzled.

"Do you ever shut the fuck up and stop asking fucking questions?" He asked annoyed.

I jumped, startled, and just sat silent staring out the window, until he finally spoke up. "We are staying in a cabin for a while, and you will get to meet the gang."

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