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It didn't cross my mind that we would get the authorization to date, I wasn't even thinking of dating him.
A little while later, after some talks and laughs, we decided to leave the restaurant since we finished eating. We were going to go out when Jimin's manager told us that our practice would take place at the set of the show. I guess we will be meeting all the other idols. We said goodbye to them and my manager took me back to my dorm.
In the car we talked about the subunit project, I didn't know what to do, I had to let my members know about it. I got back to my dorm and the girls were all up, playing games, watching tv, just having fun, as always.

"Giiirls, how was your day?" I asked them.

"We went to the cinema then we went to eat together, and you how was practice and the dinner?"

"We finished the entire choreography, it was pretty quick. And we had a good dinner, I got some news that I want to talk about. Let's sit down together."

We sat down in a circle and they were all looking at me.

"Our managers told us that our agencies had some projects for Jimin and I, they thought that we had good chemistry, and they want us to form a subunit, Jimin and I. I didn't know wether to accept it or not since I have you, and I wanted to talk to you first before taking any decision."

They didn't have any expressions on their faces.

"If you accept to do the subunit, you won't work with us then?"


"For how long?"

"They told us 6 months but they don't know."

Leader Ji looked at me and told me, "Yoojung-ie, what do YOU want to do? Look, we've always told each other to take the right decisions, if you want to do it, it's okay do it, and if you don't want, don't do it. Just follow what your heart wants, we won't be mad at you or anything. I know that you were thinking about not hurting us, you're not, it actually makes us happy to hear a good news like this, we will support you forever and ever, okay?"

"Okay Suyeon unnie. I just don't want you to think that I'm putting you aside."

"We would never think that, we know that you are caring and thoughtful about what you want to do, we know that you don't want to hurt our feelings." Doyeon said to me.

"Girls, we are perfectly okay with this project, right?" Our leader said.

"We are okay!" They told me, making the sign 👌.

We made a group hug and I thanked them. I went to my room, I was so tired that I wanted to sleep. As I was starting to doze off, my phone vibrated, I got a text from Jimin.

"I wasn't expecting the subunit project, I just talked about it to my members and they were all excited for me, they told me that it would be a  great opportunity, so I want to do it with you, just let me know how you feel. Talk to your members, and maybe they'll help you decide. Good night Yoojung."

I texted him back.

"I talked to my members as well, and they are totally okay for this project. I really thought about it and talking to my members made me realize what I wanted to do. Our leader told me to follow my heart, and my heart tells me to do it. Let's do it Jimin!"

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