A Few Days Later

I watch the other students leave for Hogsmede and I stretch.

"Jeez, brothers left before they could sign the dumb paper." I say and Harry nods.

"Uncle Vernon wouldn't sign the paper." Harry says to me and we both sigh.

"What I don't get is that, we need papers to go to a safe village, but we don't need them to do dangerous things? I think there is something wrong with this picture." I say to Harry as we walk through the corridors and Harry nods.

"Yeah but we're learning magic, its like going on a field trip." Harry says to me and I nod.

"And the school needs parental or guardian permission in case something happens, aww man, what bore!" I say as I feel like flopping.

"You can say that again." Harry says to me and I jump on his back, to which he nearly falls, but he manages to hold me.

"What a bore!" I howl at the top of my lungs and Harry laughs as he walks while managing to keep me on his back.

"Ashley, Harry, you seem to be having fun." Remus says to us amused.

"Oh whatever Remus, are you trying to be a buzzkill on our already rubbish day?" I ask him in the most British accent I can acquire while Harry is stifling his laughter.

"How rubbish has your day been?" Remus asks joining us as we walk.

"Everyone got to go to Hogsmede, but us! Just because we couldn't get our bloody papers signed!" I say while throwing my arms up in the air as if it were the most outrageous thing ever. "How could they do this to us, we're a very capable pair of a wizard and a witch, I mean seriously." I say and Remus and Harry laugh at that.

We get to my favorite perch and I jump down off Harry and I shift into my Animagus form as Remus talks to Harry and I feel utterly guilty so I lay down with my head in my paws.

"Something wrong Ashley?" Harry asks confused.

"She's just bored, my old friend could turn into a wolf, he'd get like this too." Remus says to him and I snort as I look at Remus who just nods to me and I snort and shakr my head, looking away with my head on my paws.

A Little while later

I lay in the grand hall next to Harry as the other Gryffindor's sleep, I'm in my Animagus form, so it doesn't really matter.

I rest my head on Harry's shoulder and he scratches my head.

"Ashley, go back to the common room." Snape says to me and I snarl at him, and he leaves me alone.

"Leave her alone Severus, she wants to stay here." Dumbledore says to him and I just snort but relax again.

I listen to Dumbledore and Snape and after a while I get up and Harry just sleeps.

I walk out of the room and I run down the corridors coming face to face with the black wolf.

I look at him tiredly as he paces back and forth in front of me.

I yawn and just take the wolf with me to the fourth floor to a room where no one goes, its got lots of scratch marks and its torn apart basically.

I shift back and put up a sound blocking charm and I put a magic lock on the door.

I look at the wolf as I lean back against the wall with my arms crossed.

"Just shift back, I'm too tired to play your games tonight." I say to him and he growls and I notice his devil red eyes.

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